Yup its her

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Gumball's pov
I knew if I wanted to be happy with Marshall, I would have to confess to my kingdom. I knew they would be worried sick if I just left without a word. They would look for me and kill marshall, again! So, as me and Marshall walk hand in hand, towards my candy kingdom I realized one major obstacle right away. "OWWWWW!"marshall howls like a wild animal. "oh my glob Marshall are you okay?!? I forgot about the force field!!" i say concerned. "Am fine I just need to lay down a moment." he hands me his umbrella( he's a vampire. sun+vampire= dead again!) so I can shield him while he lays down."what can we do if I go in by myself they won't listen to me and I don't know how to take down this force field!" "who put it up?" Marshall asks. I turn away. "No. Don't tell me..." I look back at him "hehe funny story..." " ASHLEY!!!!" Marshall screams. "Yup." I say looking down. "She won't help us you know? She'll try to kill you if anything!!!"marshall screams. "I know that but we need her to put down the force field somehow we need to convince her." "how do we do that?" Marshall says tilting his head like a confused puppy. "i have no clue."
Yo what's up guys hope your still liking our book! Anyways I would like to Dedicate this part to @blackforver14 , because she's awesome and she's a really big supporter of our book! Love you Marie! -cassi-

Marshall lee x Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now