Part 76

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Arthur rang the DVLA, he was put on hold, "I do not like this waiting around listening to canned music, can they not employ more staff?"

"Hello, can I help you?" said a voice on the other end.

"Yes," replied Arthur, "I would like to check the owner of a vehicle."

"Sorry, are you a member of the police service or a governmental operative?"

"No, I am a superhero."

"So you're a private detective?"

"Sort of."

"Sorry we cannot give out that information to members of the public, including private detectives."

Arthur slammed the phone down, "Jobs worths," he chuntered, "I can't do my job because they're jobs worths."

"We could text 63800 to Text Car and find out its history."

"And what good is that? No we need a friend on the police or maybe the League can get it for us?"

Arthur dialled the Lawful League's headquarters and had to deal with the reception robot. "Hello, this is the Lawful League's headquarters. What is the emergency?"

"Well, none actually."

"Please do not waste the League's time. Goodbye."

Arthur quickly shouted, "I was hoping to speak with someone from the League about a favour?"

"Favour. Compute. I see, well only members of the Junior League are in, and they are all doing their homework."

"Is Invisiralé in?"

"I cannot tell, she turns invisible after all. I will have to see or not to see, that is the question."

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