Part 18

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Invisiralé materialised, she was a fifteen year old girl dressed quite normally.

"Aren't you a bit young to be in the Lawful League?" asked Squiz.

"I am in the junior league. We use the same HQ and get promoted to the Lawful League when we get old enough."

"Why are you dressed in normal clothes?"

"I have just come from school, on the hover bus. I do have a costume but it is in the wash, I haven't worn it officially, as I am a new member but I have worn it around the house to do my chores and it is dirty."

"Well congratulations, would you like to have a cup of coffee with us?"

"That would be great, who are you by the way?"

"I am Squiz and we are members of Arthur's Round Table."

"Arthur's Knights of the Round Table," corrected Biggs.

"Yes," said Squiz.

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