Part 42

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"It is addressed to you Trelainne. But then again all Ebayed stuff is because the rest of us have messed up our accounts."

"Yeah, don't you hate that, "commented Lee. "Just when you think you're doing well, 99% feed back that's good, hundreds of items sold, then one or two dinkums don't lift their strikes because they can't understand English and you're stuffed."

"Yeah it's a bit like winning the lottery and losing your ticket," said Fawh.

"It's nothing like that. Do you even know what an analogy is?" asked Arthur.

"Something to stop your nose running when you've got a cold?"

"No, that's an analgesic. An analogy is where you explain something by using culturally relevant references so that people can understand better," explained Arthur.

"Can you tell me what you mean by 'culturally relevant references,' by using an analogy?"

"Say something like what you mean by saying it in a way that they understand it," said Trelainne.

"I understand that," said Fawh.

Trelainne opened the parcel. "It's an Elasto Trap," she said.

"Who ordered one of them?" asked Arthur

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