Part 39

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Nursefeblin spat at Fawh, who side-stepped and smiled a, "Hi sis."

"Righto," bossed Arthur, "to get things on an even footing we shall be called Arthur, Sid, Biggs etc and because you are evil we shall call you e Arthur, e Sid, e Biggs etc."

"Sounds like they come from Yorkshire," muttered Sid.

"We don't have to be so formal," gestured e Arthur, "seeing as you're going to be as dead as the dinosaurs in ten minutes." He then shouted, "King of King Arthur's Pendragons ATTACK!!!"

Each opposite went for his/her counterpart. Super Sid ran for Sid. Sid managed to bash him with his axe end and stun him. Evil Arthur zipped up to Arthur who was able to activate his power orb in time and put e Arthur into an energy bubble, unable to escape. Rod Dragon called lightning to strike Lee but Lee was able to divert it with some copper filings that he used for his flash bombs. Nursefeblin turned into an elephant, Fawh turned into a mouse and scared her. Each good hero managed to counter his/her evil counterpart.

"Swap to your second target," ordered e Arthur from his bubble prison.

The Green Streak sped towards Arthur and knocked the power orb from his hands, smashing it and releasing e Arthur. Squizzer flew over to Arianne, who was dressed in her Princess Destiny outfit, and made a grab for her power sword. Arianne dropped it. "Fumbly fingers," laughed Squizzer then punched Arianne in the head. Nursefeblin turned into a cat and caught Fawh's mouse and ate him.

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