Part 10

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"That's a good one," said Sid, "I can see it on D.R.Y. News now, 'HI turned up to say hi and save the day' or 'HINC turned up to hiccup.' I don't like shortened acronyms that sound stupid."

"This is supposed to be a comedy book Sid," quipped Arthur, "maybe the author wants a funny acronym?"

"Sorry," said Sid hoping he had not insulted me.

"What about the Round Table?" suggested Alf.

"There's already a Round Table society in Britannia, they do good works for people, like a rotary club. I can remember when I was in Oklahoma," remembered Biggs, "they had produced and funded it..."

"Alright, alright, order, order," sputtered Arthur. "No Round Table then. But do not forget though that all our costumes. Apart from Squiz's, are representative of the Arthurian round table. So if we change the name too much then we have to change our dress code."

"That's a good idea," said Arianne, "I was getting a bit bored of dressing as a medieval lady all the time. I would love to get into some Lycra."

Arthur leaned over to her and whispered, "I would like you in Lycra my dear, but now is not the place or the time."

"I want to dress in Lycra as well," said Alf.

"Always knew you were a pansy," muttered Sid.

Just then Lee received a call, "I'll have to take this, it's my mother." He left the room.

"How about Righteous Officers Under No Divisive Territories And Brotherly Love Exists?" suggested Biggs.

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