Part 8

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"I think you ought to keep to being the strong silent type, or at least a one word wonder." He looked at and pointed to the map of the Blackhouse gardens. "This is where the North Vespuccian president is going to give medals to all the super heroes who have excelled themselves in the past year. Arthur and his Round Table will be there as guests from Britannia."

"How can I kill him in front of everyone else?"

"We are not going to kill him, yet. First we are going to dishonour him and his band of merry folk."


"Maybe you should be a two word wonder."

"Most good!"

"You'll have to practice if you want them witty. Would you like help with your witty retorts from Witty Retort Man? He writes all of my one liners."

"That's good."

"You can stop being a two word wonder now."

"Whew, I didn't know how long I could keep it up for." He looked around to see if there was anyone who resembled Witty Retort Man. "Where is Witty Retort Man? Does he just wear a costume or does he have super powers?"

"He lives in the small bell tower atop this building, you can fly up if you want or you could take the hidden stairs. And by the way, he has no super powers, he is just very talented, like the author."

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