Dressrosa Mission : Rescue Law ! Part 1

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i had at least half of this done and i thought it was saved. The computer shut off so i had to do this all over again



She snuck into the coloseum without being noticed. "There you are Luffy," She said when she spotted Luffy through his grandpa disguise. "Lets go Luffy, I can get us out of here," She said after the wounded guy said there was no point in finding a way out.  "Zeera-Senpai, I can get the Fire Fruit," The other guy with the green mohawk with a nose ring said. "Are you alright...?" She asked because it sounded like the guy was crying and he was facing the other way.

"Bartolomeo and I'm fine Zeera-Sama," The guy cryed. "Well this is perfect now lets go Luffy," She said as she began to look for a certain amulet. "I already know that," A familiar voice said. "Ah its you. Let me guess "He' sent you here."

"Zeera can you give us a minute ?" Her old acquaintance asked. "Shure," She said as she dragged the other two guys. "It makes me angry, This guy acting like he knows Luffy-Senpai really well. You see senpai is already getting agitated...!" Bartolomeo grumbled. "Those two know each other for a long time. But I am surprised Luffy has not punched him," She said in a motherly knowing way.

Once Luffy began to cry did she say,"That's enough of this family reunion. Come out Springer !" At once a small fox-like creature appeared at her feet. "Find a way out Springer," She instructed as she grabbed Luffy.

She had just got in when she heard someone yell,"Report from the Front Rampart Entrance ! We have intruders !" At the sound of rushing footsteps she whispered,"Camoforge." At once she was invisible to the grunts you ran past her to where Luffy and the others where at.

"What the fuck is going on !" She heard Doflamingo yell. Doflamingo must have noticed the switch already. With that guy's unique fighting style compared to Luffy's well you can tell the difference. And to add Luffy had already blown his cover by causing a ruckus.

The ground began to move around unnaturally. As she felt the tremor's vibrations through her feet she guessed it must be a Devil Fruit user.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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