His Plan

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The archaeologist sat in a offered chair. 'Zeera-ya, at the next island I will need you help me gather 100 pirates. You have unusual talents that would be useful correct ?' he asked/fished. Amused now she answered,'All I need to know who is the targets and I can offer all of them to you on a silver platter.'

That answere seemed to please him because he had a threatening grin. The grin would scare a weaker being but she was not.

Much Later

Her targets would all be at a bar, she would lure them outside to the sub and that's when Law would steal 100 pirate hearts. That was the plan and since the island they were heading toward was known to have a two day limit. They were going to do this on the second day and once all the hearts were taken then they would leave.

They had not reached the island yet so Zeera was free to plan what she would do to lure the pirates. A spell like Simple Mind would be usefull and she had Titans that could also help her.She ended up examining her Titans and remembering their abilities.

When they reached the island the stomping race began and that was her cue to go to the deck. When she reached it the perverts were talking about the bars and women. Only Jean Bart, Law and Bepo were uneffected. Except when the poor bear mentioned female bears did he get scolded by Shachi and Penguin. That just made the bear gloomy and a miniture dark rain cloud appeared over his head.

"So weak !" they yelled.

Not a real fan of bars Zeera was fine watching the sub.

Much Later

When the crew returned most of them were wasted except the former captain/ giant Jean Bart, Bepo and Law who seemed amused by his two head mechanics, they were acting like bigger idiots.

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