Chapter 38

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5 years later

I know. 5 years later and it has been a ride. Everyone's lives are going great so far. The group has been supporting Liskook every since. One time, Hoseok was busy when Liskook had the feeling, so Yoongi filled him in.

And boy was he not happy.

But he was glad to help.

During the 5 years, Lisa and Jungkook found out that Jungkook can handle the feeling better than Lisa. For instance, if they have the feeling, Jungkook cannot handle it anymore by the time it's been 2-3 hours. Lisa on the other hand, 1-2 hours. How did they find out?

Well, Jennie wanted to 'experiment' this, to provide information for the doctors. Of course, Jungkook and Lisa didn't want to. But, Jennie insisted, followed by nods from the group. Just once, and only once. Just to see if they could get information.

And so, they of course gave in after all the begging. There are rules though that's part of the 'experiment'.

1. Cannot touch yourself. (They're in handcuffs)

This is VERY hard for both (obviously) since you NEED to pleasure yourself before it gets any worse.

2. Cannot exit the room.


3. You have to be seated on the bed, even if  you cannot take it anymore.

All of these rules are VERY difficult for Lisa and Jungkook. But, just in case if someone out there gets it, they have information.

Lisa locked in the guest room (being handcuffed onto the head board) and Jungkook in Lisa's room (Also handcuffed)

They backs are lying on the bed as their hands are above their heads. Jennie set up camera's just to see what's happening(they have clothes on).


"Ahh!" They both moaned.

"It's happening!" Jennie shouts, grabbing attention from the group.

Just saying, you don't know how long it took for them to be handcuffed and to suddenly have the feeling appear.

"Okay. Woah." Rose said. "They're already panting."

"Right?" Jimin said.

"Just tell me the results. I really don't like seeing the maknae's in pain." Yoongi sits on the couch as he lies down.

"Okay." Jennie smiles, Taehyung sadly glancing at her.

"Why is she smiling?" he questions in his mind as his eyebrows furrowed.

"This is going to take long." Hoseok blurts out.

"Yeah. Let's sit down and do something. We can here them anyways." Jin offers.



An hour has past. All bored and just looking at the screen.

"They are doing really well to be honest." Hoseok blurts out.

"Yeah." Namjoon nods.

"Wait!" Jisoo said. "Look at Lisa. She's really sweating and trying to fight it off."

"Oh my gosh, yeah." Taehyung said. "It looks like Jungkook is still fine, even though his breathing increased slightly."

"How long as it been?" Jennie asks.

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