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' Summer that's my husband and I am trying to get to the bottom of this feud so please let him speak.'

Sumer rolled her eyes.

' As I was saying the first time I attended your family reunion, we were forced to spend the night in different rooms at your grandmother's farm. Well to cut the story short she came into my room and tried to get me to sleep with her but I refused. I did not mention it to you because she was drunk and most of us were that night so I did not take it seriously-'

Summer interrupted.

' Truth is cuz he wanted it too and I did not want to hurt you but he and I, felt an attraction from the first day you introduced us. We slept together the night of his bachelor party and that's why I came to warn you about him the day of your wedding.'

If looks could kill Summer would be dead right now. Apart from rudely cutting him off, she was lying about everything and Ayanda seemed to believe her as her eyes sparkled with tears. Axel stood infront of her and lifted her face up to look at him.

' I know I've hurt you before but I swear on Amanda's grave that I did not, not even once do what she said we did. She has been the one throwing herself at me ever since we met. She came to my bachelor party and tried to get me to cheat on you but I swear I never did.'

' If that's true why did you not tell me?'

' She's your cousin and I did not want to be the guy who came between cousin's. It's bo wxcuse but she was drunk and i thought nothing of it at first.'

Summer stood disinterested to the side watching the couple's exchange. Dave walked out fully dressed and she left to bid him farewell and avoid them.

' You had so many opportunities to tell me what she had done but you didn't. I believe that you did not want to ruin our relationship and that you did not take it seriously because she was drunk but I do not understand why you did not tell me everything she's done. After she kept on trying to get at you or did you enjoy the attention.'

' Exactly what I said to him.'

Summer said walking back into the room. Ayanda let out an angry sigh, she could not believe she was going through this again and with a family member. Worse someone she put through school and helped find jobs. She also helped her when she fell pregnant at sixteen and helped her with funeral arrangements when that child drowned in a bucket of water at five months.

' I'm so fucking tired of everyone treating me like I'm stupid and weak because I have a good heart.'

' You cannot seriously take his side. I am family!'

' Leave me alone please. Both of you! Now!'

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