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' By the way you have been humming that lovely tune, you definitely got some yesterday.'

Emily smiled at her friend, who was extra cheerful today.

' To be honest I haven't gotten any, I'm just looking forward to our girl trip.'

' What,why?'

' I don't know the other day when Ambrosia and I went to his office, we almost did it but Axel had to go for a meeting.'

' Try the techniques the therapist teach you on how to become intimate with your husband again before some young girl does that for him."

Emily advices her friend Ayanda. Ayanda looked at Emily, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Wait, what techniques? What therapist?"

Emily leaned in close, lowering her voice.

"Remember when you confided in me about feeling disconnected from Axel? I did some research and found this amazing therapist who specializes in helping married couples reignite their passion. She taught me some techniques that really worked for me and Andrew, and I thought maybe they could help you too."

Ayanda hesitated, unsure if she was ready to take such a step.

"I don't know, Emily. It just feels like such a desperate move. What if it doesn't work?"

Emily placed a reassuring hand on Ayanda's arm.

"I understand your concerns, but sometimes we have to be proactive in our relationships. You and Axel have been together for years, and it's normal to go through ups and downs but if you don't take action, someone else might."

Ayanda nodded, realizing the truth in Emily's words.

"You're right. I don't want to lose Axel. Can you give me the therapist's contact information? I'll give it a try."

A smile spread across Emily's face as she pulled out her phone.

"Of course! I'm so glad you're open to this. Trust me, it's worth a shot. And hey, even if it doesn't fix everything, at least it'll show Axel that you're trying and that you still care."

Ayanda took down the therapist's information, feeling hopeful for the first time in a long while. She knew it wouldn't be an easy journey, but with Emily's support and the guidance of a professional, she was willing to give it her all.

The two women continued with their shopping till it was time for them to leave. Today was the day that they would be leaving for their vacation. They were to meet at one of their friend's house and leave from there.

' I forgot my breast milk at the bakery. I need to take the cooler bag to my parents home. Otherwise my baby will have to drink formula.'

' I thought you gave those to your driver when your mother came to pick Ambrosia up from the bakery.'

' I wasn't done expressing when she came over, I only gave her enough for the afternoon. Ambrosia won't sleep unless she has her milk. '

Emily drove to the bakery as Ayanda expressed more milk and quickly grabbed the cooler box. Ayanda put in the three packets and they drove towards her parents.

' Why are you stopping?'

She asked surprised when Emily suddenly stopped driving.

' We're infront of your husband's company and I think you can give him the cooler so we won't be late for our flight.'

' you're right. Why didn't I think of that before.'

' That's why I am the brains and you're the brawn.'

Ayanda jumped out of the car and grabbed something's she had planned to take home.

' Wait. I need to use the bathroom.'

Emily said who almost fell as she walked out of the toilet when Ayanda suddenly flew past her in tears. She ran out after her confused at to what was happening.

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