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' Yandi, baby wake up the boys need to get to school and Ambrosia needs a nappy change.'

Ayanda grabbed her pillow, put it over her ear and faced the opposite direction of her husband.

' You do it. I was up all night with her. I need a little rest.'

' Babe I am late for work and I have an important meeting in about thirty minutes. I kn-'

He was interrupted by a pillow hitting the back of his head.

' What was that for? Don't you see me with this baby in my arms.'

' What is wrong with me! What is wrong with you, we have a teacher's parents meeting at the boys school, did you forget?'

' You didn't tell me about it.'

' You better be here for the meeting.'

Axel promised to come home as soon as the meeting was over. He rushed out if the house and got into the office ten minutes late. His phone vibrated forty-five minutes into the meeting. Asanda was reminding him of the parents meeting which was in twenty minutes.

' Shit!'

' Excuse me?!'

' Sorry mam, just have another meeting to get to. Elizabeth can we rap this up before I officially become a divorced man.'

His soon to be business partner smiled at him, she knew very well what an angry wife was capable off.

' I am guessing it's a school meeting?'

' You guessed right.'

The meeting continued for fifteen minutes before he ran out and headed to the school.

' You're late!'

Ayanda whispered through gritted teeth and a smile on her face. Axel apologised. The school principal walked in and sat behind her desk with a smile on her face. Amanda had attended the first half of the meeting with the rest of the parents and the principal had told her after that she needed to see them.

' Mr and Mrs Bow, I called you in here due to what happened during the week with the boys.'

' What happened with the boys?'

Ayanda rolled her eyes but kept quiet till their meeting was over. The boys had gotten into a fight with another child in the school and Ayanda was called in on that day.

' What's so important in that head of yours that you don't hear us when I try to have a conversation with you, you hear nothing I tell you.'

' Yandi I am sorry but I have a lot of things on my mind currently with work, Brittany -'

' Do not mention that crazy woman to me. You got yourself in that mess and you better get yourself out if it before I have to fuck me up a bitch.'

' shit, that's gangster but a total turn on.'

' See why you never hear anything I say, everything to you has to be about sex.'

Axel rubbed her thighs sexually with one hand on the wheel and laughed when she smacked it away.

' Remember how we used to have sex in the car and how you would give me blowjob's while I was driving. We don't do that anymore.'

' Oh my gosh! That's when we were young, dumb and childless but we do have sex in the car still.'

' In the garage when the kids won't sleep doesn't count because you ride me while watching the garage door.'

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