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A huge smile crept on Ayanda's face as soon as her children came to view, holding an over decorated card with her name, when the escalator rolled down into the private arrivals area but it soon disappeared when she noticed Axel with them.

' Mommy looked what we made. Do you like it?'

Ajax showed her as he hugged them and kissed Ambrosia who was in her daddy's arms, laying on his chest. She reluctantly took the flowers he handed her. Their driver took her bags. They boys pulled their sweater hats, which covered most of their face, over their heads and the baby was completely covered with a blanket till they reached the car.

' Thank you.'

' How was the wedding?'

He asked as camera's clicked and bodyguards kept the people who wanted a piece of them at bay. It was times like this she hated that she married into a well known family and had a well known husband.

' It was better than I thought it would be. Angelica was a beautiful bride and seeing my sister's was great.'

' Did they ask where I was?'

' They did but your parents had already told them about Brittany and they are worried about if this means a divorce for us.'

' Are we?'

' I don't know really. All I know is that I am still hurting.'

Ayanda took a shower as soon as she got home while her husband cooked dinner. With only her pink silk robe on she headed downstairs to have dinner with the family.

' What is this?'

Surprised to find a dinner table with her best China and electric candles, she stood leaning on the dining room door waiting.

' The babies were exhausted so they had leftover pizza and went to bed early. So I thought we could have this beautiful dinner and talk.'

She hesitated a bit before walking over and seating down in the chair he had pulled out for her.

' Do you like the food?'

' You know I love your food Axel, you've always been a great cook and the real reason I married you. '

Axel laughed before a comfortable silence took over as they ate the rest of their dinner. As soon as they were done,he removed the dishes and turned off the candles before asking her to join him in the living room.

' You said you want to talk.'

' First I would like to apologise for cheating on you and then blaming you for it. That was wrong of me -'

' No you were right I wasn't there when I should have been.'

' Please don't do that.'

' Do what?'

She said shrugging her shoulders. Axel knew he had a lot of  apologising and understanding to do if he planned on getting his wife back, he also understood that each day would be different but he had to endure because Ayanda never stepped out, he did. Almost ruining their family.

' Do that thing where you agree with me just so this doesn't become an argument and you can get it over and done soon.'

She said a simple okay and sat back on the sofa

' As I was saying I am sorry _'

He got off of the love seat and knelt infront of her with a black ring box in his hand.

' Babe I want you to believe me that what happened Brittany and I will never ever happen again. To show how serious I am about that and our marriage. I want to ask you one thing, well two. Aya... will you marry me again and let us get back to love.'

The old Ayanda would have taken the ring and his promises immediately but she had changed.

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