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' You got a bodyguard to secretly guard me and follow me while knowing that Kevin is out there planning God knows what and keeping me on edge. What were you thinking?'

' Yandi I was thinking about your safety, after you told me about your concerns. I thought it was best to get you a bodyguard who you didn't know was following you and others didn't know about too. '

' That was two weeks ago. You mean to tell me that when I told you that I felt somebody was following me,yku knew all along it was him and you said nothing to allay my anxiety, when you could have.'

Ayanda said angrily slamming her oven shut. Axel watched as she grabbed the bread knife and began chopping vegetables a bit too hard.

' Yandi if I would have told you then knowing you, you would have blown his cover and refused to have him around you. You're uncomfortable with our regular guards around you.'

' Emily recognized your undercover bodyguard without even knowing about him. I guess he wasn't that undercover.'

' Babe I was just trying to watch out for you as a concerned husband. I did not think of if you found out or how it would affect you when you found out. '
' You should have told me Axel, I would have understood with everything going on, I do need protection. You could have put the both of us in danger.'

' I guess you're right. I was just looking out for you.'

Axel's phone vibrated on the kitchen counter just as she pecked his lips. He hung the phone just as she walked back into the kitchen from checking on the baby.

' No.'

' but I haven't said anything.'

' Axel when Mike calls you at this hour, it's only to invite you to a club or party. Tell me I'm wrong!'

' Okay, you're right but it's not a party. He's invited the guys over for some drinks.'

Ayanda stood infront of her husband and looked up at him as if in deep thought.

' You knew about this before the call and Michael was checking where you were right?'

' Yes.'

Axel said looking down at his chest afraid to lift his eyes, knowing what look her face probably had. Ayanda was shorter than him and any slight movement of his eyes, he would see the anger in her eyes.

' You know what!, have fun.'

Axel stood confused as she continued with dinner preparations and dished up for the kids, only to walk out when she sat down in the dining room with them.

' mxm!'

Ayanda kissed her teeth when she checked the time on her phone after she heard the sound of her front door unlocking. A drunk Axel tried to quietly walk into the house but with his balance off, he bumped into a few items on his way upstairs.

' Ayanda, baby. Babe you won't believe what happened.'

Ayanda tried to pretend she was asleep but Axel kept shaking her and telling her about a party she cared nothing about. She kept her eyes closed hoping he would shut up and sleep, he eventually did shut up but he had other plans and eventually woke her up.

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