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With a glass of strong alcohol in one had and his phone in the other, Axel dialed his wife's number for probably the hundred time since she left but once again all he got was her voicemail. He say up on the couch, gulped down the rest of his drink and grabbed his car keys.

' Lie I told you yesterday I haven't seen or spoken to her and she's not here.'

Was the answer he got from all her friends before they slammed their doors in his face for asking to search their homes. He knew it was disrespectful and crazy but Ayanda had left a week ago with their children and he still had to know where she was.

' By the look on your face, she hasn't contacted you.'

' Dad I don't know what to do anymore. I just want her to call and tell me she's fine, the kids are fine -'

' and when she will come back.'

His father finished his sentence for him as he handed him a cold beer.

' I need my wife back. I know I messed up but this is what I was trying to avoid. I knew if she knew that Brittany was my ex, she wouldn't have let me hire her.'

His father shook his head as he mumbled his explanation.

' Yoy young man are embarrassment to our species. I bet you didn't know that I cheated on your mother when you were in high school.'

The look in Axel's face said it all, he was never aware of his father's infidelity. He had always emulated his father and wanted to be exactly the man he believed his father was and in a way he was exactly that man.

' Yeah I know, your mother was the one who thought it was best for us not to tell you. Anyway, when she found out I came clean about everything not because I was scared or whipped because I wanted to make our marriage work. In order to do that I had to start on a clean state and made sure that I kept the promises I made before and new one's I made when she decided to forgive me. I had broken the trust she had in me and I had to do my best to try rebuild that trust and today she trusts me more than she ever did because I learnt my lesson and proved it to her.'

' But that's what I'm trying to -'

' You're trying to save your skin. That's the reason you blamed her for cheating and lied about how far you and Brittany go. You have to put yourself in her shoes. We all make mistakes but it's how we act or what we do after committing those mistakes that determines how remorseful you are and to Yandi, it doesn't seem like you regret cheating on her.'

Axel sat quietly drinking his beer and thought about his father's advice. His mother walked into the living room and pretended like he was invincible. Since she found out his wife had left him, she had given him the silent treatment. He has two women to make amends to.

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