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' No! Brad you should have let us know about his release when you found out. What the fuck do I pay you for if you can't do something do simple.'

Axel threw his phone at the wall out of frustration just as Brittany walked into his offce almost hitting her in the face.

' Are you trying to blind me before I get to see our son!'

' Get out Brittany. I am not in the mood for your nonsense today!'

' I ca-'

' I said get out!!'

Axel tried to calm himself as he sat back in his office chair with his head rested on it. Brittany slowly walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulders to massage him.

' What the fuck do you think you're doing?!'

' Trying to ease your stress. I can see that you're stressed because of Aya_ baby!, you're hurting me!'

She cried out when he suddenly twisting her hand which he had grabbed when he stopped her from massaging his shoulders.

' I told you to respect my wife and stop sticking your nose in my matters. Now get out before I throw you out.'

' But Axel we need to talk about our baby and -.'

' You know the world has a distorted view about the black man. Like the only man who does wrong in this world is that of a darker skin color and some of you black women add to this stereotype. I made a mistake and apologised for that to you and my wife but that's not good enough. You have to lie and throw yourself at me and pin a baby at me just so you can say black men ain't shit. We ain't shit but most of you women add to the shit that we ain't. You know that baby isn't mine,. I know I put you in the position to think you can disrespect my wife and can overstep our employee - employer boundaries and I am sorry for doing that but for the last time. I love my wife and my family, please stop harassing us. If I ever made you think or feel that we have a future, I am sorry.'

' How can you say that! Have you forgotten the intimate moments we shared here, in your home and everywhere else we could. We were good before she decided to come inbetween us. Axel ba -'

' Okay, you're delusional! Get your hands off of me and GET OUT OF MY OFFICE AND MY LIFE!'

Brittany kissed her teeth and stepped away from him with the threat that he would pay for hurting her.

' What did I get myself into.'

' pussy you thought was stress free but it's actually more stressful than your whatever was stressing you at home.'

Axel turned to see his assistant standing in the doorway with a file in hand and a look that said he regretted his comment.

' and now I wish I never got myself involved with that woman and with everything that Aya and I are going through. I don't need a psycho making things worse.'

His assistant let out a breath of relief before placing the file on his desk and walking out leaving him alone with his thoughts.

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