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Ayanda stood on her tippy toes as she peeked through her office window after she thought she heard a sound coming from the back alley of her office. She almost fell backwards when she was startled by someone touching her waist.

' Geez Emily! You scared me to death.'

' What are you doing? I thought you came in here to get paper.'

' Sorry thought I heard movement outside. Was just checking it out.'

' So what was it?'

Ayanda shrug her shoulders and headed back to the front. They spent most of the day baking and attending to customers. Emily noticed a new customer seating in the slightly secluded area and kept his eyes on Ayanda.

' Who is that?'

' Who?'

Emily tried not to make it obvious as she pointed towards where the strange man sat. The guy noticed them starring and hurriedly walked out after placing money on the table. Emily tried running after him but he had disappeared into thin air.

' He's gone, call your husband now.'

' Tried to but his phone is going to voicemail and his assistant says he's been in meetings all day.'

' Are you okay hun?'

Emily noticed how visibly shaken she was. Ayanda had been on edge since she found out Kevin was out and roaming the streets. He had not tried anything yet or said anything but she felt that he was watching her and up to something.

' I have just been on edge since bumping into Kevin and then there's Brittany, whose got it in her head that Axel is inlove with her. You've watched obsessed, you know how crazy these jilted women can be.'

' Do you think Kevin would risk going to jail again, after spending so much time in prison.'

' Kevin has a vendetta against Axel and he said he would get his revenge when he found guilty in court.'

Emily embraced her in a hug as confused customers watched on. Ayanda removed herself from the embrace as a customer walked into the shop and headed towards the counter.

' Sorry but we're on the clock and we're making the customers uncomfortable. Can we discuss this later.'

Emily had gone home and she was left all alone the store waiting on Axel to come pick her up. She had locked all the doors upon Emily's exit and sat in her office and fell asleep as she waited.

' Babe, wake up. Let's go.'

' What time is it?'

Axel checked his designer watch as she yawned and stretched on the chair.

' want me to carry you to the car?'

Axel said turning his back to her so she could climb on it. He locked the shop with her in his back and sat her in the passenger seat before he got into the driver's seat.

' There was a strange man in the shop today.'

' What man?, can you describe him?'

Ayanda described the little that he could remember of the guy since she did not get a better look at him before he ran out.

' Shit that's your new bodyguard. I kind of hired him so he could watch you without anyone knowing he's watching you.'

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