A Deceitful Upset

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Gora didn't look like he was in a talkative mood at all after his transformation. Having buffed up considerably the giant just took off in a mindless dash toward Chayote. At least he retained enough brainpower to have dropped his weaponry, charging at his opponent with bare hands. Despite yelling loud from the bottom of his chest, Gora didn't run out of breath before he reached a dangerous distance from Chayote.

His muscles churned with tension as his arms wrapped around her in a bearhug. He tilted the Saiyan off the ground and continued to roar in an attempt to intimidate her as he locked his arms behind the Saiyan with great ease and squeezed, employing all the strength he could muster.

"Is that all you've got?" Chayote looked the crazed demon in the eye while still in his grasp. "Aren't you supposed to be the powerhouse of your breed?"

"Crush you!" Gora bellowed as if his own madness and overflowing power pained him. He took off the ground and directed his opponent downward. A few worried gasps came from the human side of the ring but Chayote couldn't identify Goku's alongside them. She wished that she took him for a Saiyan ruthless enough to not care about her well-being or to feel jealous of battle damage she was about to sustain, aiding her evolution as a warrior.

With a thunderous smash, Gora planted with a slam of his belly aimed down and Chayote still clutched in his grasp.

It would have been vain of Chayote to say that she didn't feel that. More importantly, it would have been a lie. Her head smashed against the tiles that cracked and ground to dust instantly, dirt disappeared underneath her and her demonic opponent as if it was soufflé suffering a sizable bite by someone with quite the sweet tooth.

Air rushed into Chayote's nose when Gora stood up, there was none of his demonic mass pressing against her. A rough lock against her heels suggested that the demon was not yet done with her, Gora roared out as he pulled Chayote by her ankles and swung her about, slamming her against the arena floor multiple more times.

"F-Fight back!" Krillin's voice reached Chayote. "Why isn't she fighting back?" he turned to Goku. "Is the enemy that powerful!?"

"Calm down, Krillin." Tenshinhan cut his friend's panic attack short. "Don't see this battle with your eyes, feel it by following the Ki of the combatants."

"Chayote is bleeding hers... If she doesn't take this fight more seriously, she'll waste the advantage in power she has by losing too much Ki." Chi-Chi noted.

"No. It's just like Chayote to get pummeled on purpose. That's what's so annoying about her. Apparently, us Saiyans get stronger after tough battles so Chayote just lets easy battles turn tough for her. And here we are breaking our backs training..." Goku snickered as if his friend wasn't being manhandled on the stage.

"Tough talk from a pile of trash..." Gora declared with an augmented voice. "Get outta my sight!" he grunted out while tossing Chayote aside. It was only then that Chayote finally flexed her muscles and stopped herself in mid-air. She did so only to be greeted by a bright ray of light as Gora's mouth-blast caught her by surprise, enveloping her in its gleam and world-ending might.

"Well... At least that power-up you've received helped make your hits useful. Make no mistake though, demon, this here isn't a fight, it's your punishment." Chayote's voice froze Gora in his tracks as he had intended his mouth blast to have utterly eliminated her, whereas the more the smoke had cleared, the more evident it became that he failed to even dirty up her clothes.

A crack seemed to split everyone's heads into two by the violent challenge to the integrity of one's auditory perception. A loathsome sensation of hatred towards the obnoxious noise that made one feel uneasy from the very bottom of one's gut took hold of the stage as Chayote's boot ended up imbedded into Gora's face. The poor brute just twitched his arms while they reached to each of his sides, his face caved in by the boot meeting his infernal grimace.

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