The Lots Are Drawn

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"Hmmm... You have done well to stand up, young lady. But I will not underestimate you as your opponents did." A man of a darker tan and wearing loose clothes that Chayote could have sworn should have gotten in the way of swift movements declared.

"Your technique is interesting. I may give it a spin. Although it does not matter how fast you strike if your strength cannot faze your opponent." Chayote rubbed her jaw with her knuckle while she stood back up from the floor after not having taken too much damage. She was impressed with both the technique and the overall martial arts skill of her opponent. The Saiyan just wished that she could have fought this man in the finals and in a much larger arena. Also, perhaps, that he had at least five times the power level he must have had at the moment.

"Cannot faze my opponent you say? My Eight-Arm Fist seemed to do the job before..." the martial artist who appeared as cocky in his expression as he had every right to be declared. With a furious growl he leaped at Chayote, the Fighter No. 24 made his hands go blurry again, before long it appeared as if he had grown eight arms.

The man employed his newly manifested arms at attacking Chayote with a rush of fists. The Saiyan just stared at the oncoming attack in defiance and allowed the attacks to just bounce off of her now that she's actually started trying at about the level where she imagined her opponent being.

"W-What!? B-But my Eight-Arms Strike!" Fighter No. 24 trembled as he took a few dashes back in fearful respect. Chayote had to give this man some props, he did not break his arms attacking Chayote like the rest, then again, because of the speedy nature of his attack, he did not transfer all that much force into the teen either. Because of limited time, force and the contact surface, the Eight-Arms Strike appeared a flawed technique.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Chayote sighed. The Saiyan took a single step forward before her own arms disappeared just like those of her opponent did. "Ten-Thousand Fist!" she yelled out and, through great physical effort, her two arms split into branches that then split into more and more branches until ten thousand arms covered the entire ring, rushing at No. 24 from every possible angle.

Overwhelmed by the Saiyan's improvised use of his own technique, No. 24 placed a simple cross-shaped block in an attempt to, if not withstand the attack, then, at the very least, survive it. Much to the surprise of both No. 24 and every other fighter, of the very few that remained until the end of the preliminaries, No. 24 not only survived the "Ten-Thousand Fist" but also appeared relatively unharmed by it.

"It... It barely tickled..." the man admitted to himself and the shocked observers. Before he could turn back and face his opponent, Chayote was already up in the martial artist's face and delivered a single, primitive punch to the face. She did not even wind it up right, using the force from her shoulders instead of proper balance from the ground, as Korin had taught her.

"F-Fighter No. 24, ring-out! No. 32 qualifies for the World Martial Arts Tournament!" the announcer yelled into his voice-enhancing, handheld gadget after powering through the impact that seeing the champion of one of the previous World Martial Arts Tournaments fly across the entire building and very nearly leave it that way. A handful of confused and taken aback eyes that interested Chayote stared from across the building. She finally got their attention, good...

"She beat King Chappa," one of the remaining fighters trembled in his boots while observing the Saiyan step off of the qualifiers stage.

"Isn't he a previous champion? Just what kind of monsters are in this thing this year!?" an anthropomorphic tiger in a white dogi and wearing a black karate belt across his waist scratched behind his ear.

"Hmmm..." Chayote wondered. "Where did those brats go?"

She had wanted to check in with the other Saiyan brat and find out why the hell was he slipping on his planet conquering duties, also, if he knew anything about when someone from the Frieza Army may have shown up. It was a little bit surprising that they did not so far, this kid looked like he was in his early teens, it was about time for him to take this place over and wait to be picked up from the kindergarten, surrounded by bodies and ruin.

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