World's Greatest Assassin And Cheese

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A man past his physical prime in terms of his age stared through the window of an airship as he flew over a green forest massive. His eyes were awfully squinty, both because of his natural features as well as the intense concentration on his destination and the path that led there, one that the man chose to distract himself with. The distraction was a necessary respite from all the pent up anger that he was fostering in his chest.

"Make fun of my hair, will you?!" the man piloting the airship yelled out having lost his temper once more, just like he had in the bar. What a waste of time and effort that was... Killing two drunks was so beneath him anyway, even if he had decided to sully the hands of the world's greatest assassin, such meaningless endeavor would have required awesome compensation, a hundred million Zeni for each, at the very least.

The man donning a pink chang pao with an embroidered "Kill" kanji on his back leaned even closer to the front illuminator of his airship and directed his beady eyes at the landmark of the Korin Tower that he always had to pass when he chose to head to the Red Ribbon Base from the north-eastern direction. It was a troublesome flight path, though hilarious also in its own way.

It was an official flight path and the only way of getting to the Red Ribbon Headquarters through the official flight paths from the north-east. The Korin Tower was also an infamous location for how many airships and other aircraft have gone missing. Those few that have made it out from the Sacred Land of Korin reported their aircraft simply stopping functioning when they went high up. Without a doubt, it was a conscious way of remaining unseen by the Red Ribbon as any effort of reaching them from the unofficial flight paths would have not only registered on their radars as suspicious but it would have also been interpreted as equally suspicious by the authorities of West City.

Thinking about this made the pointed-nose-man strike a small grin, one that twisted his thin mustache sideways. He could have used something soothing like a good old smile. Maybe he should have gone up through the clouds, taken in the scenery of the sunset as well...

The airship spiraled upward, bursting through the clouds and enjoying the gentle embrace of ample sunlight. The man with overly expressive and pompous long coat straightened the nose of his aircraft only to meet a blank stare of a black-skinned creature with luscious, red lips and jewelry all over his body. This was no man, as someone seldom employed by the Red Ribbon Army, the assassin had seen his own fair share of the features of darker skinned men, with one of the top figures of the corps being Staff Officer Black.

What seemed even odder, the creature was floating atop of what looked like an eastern carpet, one that effortlessly kept up the pace with the aircraft. The killer was so entranced and confused by the man that he did not even register the blitzing assault, in a single motion, the carpet closed up to the aircraft and the black, genie-like chubby sent the aircraft shooting down with a mere push kick.

The pilot kept yanking on his controls, began rapidly going through the various buttons with little to no effect as the functionality of the entire aircraft seemed as good as dead. Nerves got the better of the spiraling down assassin as one of these pulls left the control stick firmly gripped in his hands, shooting out sparks and detached from the entirety of the control scheme of the aircraft.

"This is the last time I fly a plane over this cursed place!" the man yelled out from the bottom of his lungs.

Chayote screamed out from the deepest parts of her chest while delivering a deadly kick to the side of the head of the giant dinosaur. These last few days fighting bandits, dinosaurs and sabretooth tigers was all that the Saiyan was doing. Even strike delivered made her feel more in control over her body. At the current moment, she actually felt like every measly scuffle that barely lasted one or two exchanges even improved her a bit. Chayote was no longer catching up, she was now slowly treading ahead.

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