Brotherly Love

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Goku stared on ahead at the marble road leading up to the outside arena. His expression might have been the least goofy one of those which Chayote has seen him take. He almost looked Saiyan like this which was summoning chills all over Chayote's skin. She had not yet seen this Raditz fight but he was sure to demand everything that Goku had to give out of him.

"This is so wrong! He's your brother, aren't you the least happy to see him? Especially since he's been dead before now!" Upa ran up to Goku and got a step ahead of him. It seemed as if though the boy pleaded him to act in a manner more befitting two reunited brothers.

"Right now I have to fight him." Goku cut it short. Not letting the chuckle that peeled Chayote's lips open from inside out demanded about as much physical effort as an exhausting fight. Now Goku looked and acted like a true Saiyan, Chayote almost missed the dumbass goofball she had to extract this current boy from.

She was not the one who has summoned Kakarot out of Son Goku but she liked to think that she played a part in that.

"Raditz will only remain here on Earth for a day. That's about as long as my magic can keep them here on Earth. Obviously, summoning his true strength requires some of my magic too so if he lets loose too bad... His return might not last for even that one day." Baba smirked. Chayote could see it, while Baba was not too certain about that last part, judging from her tone, the crone had not the smallest doubt in her mind that if someone might have made that a factor – it was a true Saiyan such as Raditz.

"Oh well... At least Goku can still talk to his brother the next time he comes back. But if they don't make up, Raditz might not want to come back again..." Upa scratched his tummy with worried eyes.

"Heh... I might as well start teaching you this now but... There are rules to this universe. Rules that are not to be broken because they cannot be bent or broken but because there are those that watch over them who aren't pleasant to deal with. A lot of figures up there don't feel too excited about me just bringing people back to life, even if it is just for one day. The deal we've reached with those figures is that I only bring people back once." Baba explained. Chayote glanced back, using half of her attention to keep track of the conversation just because of how greatly it evaluated the Free Return Ticket.

Goku and Raditz stepped onto the round stage and took their positions at the other end of the arena. Goku adopted his usual, grumpy yet cool, completely open yet not an inch left undefended stance whereas Raditz just crossed his arms over his chest and flapped his tail about, sneering at Goku as if imagining all the gruesome ways he would beat his brother down with.

"What do you think? Could you beat him?" Fortuneteller Baba leaned closer to Chayote.

"Until they clash with full power, I won't be able to tell." Chayote shrugged.

"So green..." Baba shook her head. "We'll have to change all of that. My brother was always so proud of his own students. It's time I leave him in the dust!"

"Come on then, Kakarot! The sooner we start, the sooner I can get to my satisfaction!" Raditz grimaced while clutching his fist in front of him and wrapping his tail around his waist.

"Not yet. Fortuneseller Baba still hasn't said go." Goku replied without losing an ounce of his cool.

"It's Fortuneteller!" Baba shook her fist up while yelling loud and hard enough to almost fall off her floating crystal ball. "Also, you may begin."

Raditz charged just as the final dot emphasized the end of Baba's declaration. Goku raised his hand up and blocked his opponent's charge that intended to hit him square in the head and stun him. A hit in the head from one's forearm was dangerous and powerful but it was far too reckless to use it so early in a fight when the enemy had every bit of their perception intact. A shockwave spread from the point of collision with the two young Saiyans gritting their teeth and clashing in a struggle of strength.

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