An Unexpected Visitor

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"So how much stronger did you get in that room?" Goku wondered, eyeing Chayote around with an inspecting look while the entirety of the inhabitants of the God Temple walked outside from the hallway where the Room of Spirit and Time was located.

"Not all that much. I've had some training but most of the time I've spent assisting Upa in his training. Turns out becoming a Kami is a far greater bother than I initially thought and at some point I almost wanted Piccolo Jr. to show his head and attack us." Chayote ran her hand through her hair and sighed with bother and frustration that was slowly relieving itself now that the Saiyan had realized that her troublesome time in the Room of Spirit and Time was over at last.

"I see... Well then, I wonder if Piccolo Jr. is just lost or if he truly did find a way to escape the room somehow. I'd really like to fight him one day, you know." Goku clenched his fists and stretched his body out.

"Tough to say, Upa's sensory abilities have far surpassed mine after just a couple of months inside that room and he couldn't sense a trace of him there. Then again, the room is pretty damn large. All I can say is that if Upa can't sense him – there's a fat chance he could sense anything else from wherever he is as well." Chayote shrugged. Her stare became fixed on Upa who just stood there staring at the skies.

"Hey, quit daydreaming, we've got a place to visit before you can complete your stupid trials and become Kami for good." Chayote yelled out to him but the young man remained stationary and stared at a point in space. With no haste in his motions, Upa reached behind his back for his tomahawks and swung them in a vertical circle before pressing their blades together.

A turbulent howl left the colliding blades, making its way into the layer of skies that were meant to be devoid of such natural occurrences as the typhoon that Upa had sent that way. For a moment there as everyone tensed up and struggled to maintain their footing, Chayote had wondered if the trainee to become Kami had only been showing off. It did not take long, however, for the round gust of raging winds to slam a weathered spacecraft right in front of the attendants of the God Temple.

"That's... Jaco's ship!" Chayote couldn't believe it. Everyone turned to her, surprised that she knew the nature of this spacecraft and, after realizing that the owner of this spacecraft was familiar to Chayote, Upa let up on the vortex of winds that contained it within.

"You know this spaceship, Chayote?" Tenshinhan wondered.

"Yeah, it belongs to the Galactic Patrol. They're sort of a space police force. I've met one of them who was traveling alongside Bulma's sister when I was looking for the Ultimate Dragon Balls." Chayote explained as briefly as she could.

"Bulma's sister!?" Krillin stumbled back in surprise before focusing attention on this spaceship that he lacked to spare before he knew this factoid.

"Oh... So Bulma had a sister? I see..." Goku reacted with as easy of a time dealing with such news as everyone expected for him.

The lid of the spaceship tilted up, letting those inside to leave the spaceship and confront the inhabitants of the God Temple where Upa had forced the spaceship soaring above the space of the planet he was about to swear to protect to land. This was the first time that the rest of the folks met Jaco though they dealt with the shocker of setting their eyes on a bona fide alien policeman easier than most would, which wasn't all that surprising, given they already know at least two aliens.

"And that's why I objected to coming to this damn planet!" Jaco grumbled while patting his bodysuit and grinding his teeth at the passenger of his ship. "And to think that I would receive this kind of welcome after I've helped out one of yours!"

"One of ours?" Yamcha wondered, bending his head to gander at the open spaceship and noticing a pair of rabbit ears sticking out from an anthropomorphic rabbit with sunglasses sitting in the back seat alongside a pair of ordinary humans with breathing apparatuses on their mouths and noses. The skins of the pair of humans were far too orange to be considered a normal hue but other than that they looked quite human.

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