Escape Of The Hysterical One

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Whenever Chayote thought she was awake and conscious, it was difficult to say if she was blind or if the room was just sunken in darkness. There was no smell, everything inside had been isolated from any type of feeling, no cold, no heat. Not even the blood that she spilled felt like anything nor did it smell of blood. Whenever the Saiyan tried to recall something of value, she could only reach crippling flashes of lightning combined with the ugly mugs of her torturers.

She didn't recall any of those soldier types torturing her, each source of her torment had a distinctive look to them. One of them was a massive blob of orange flesh and spikes, another one was a more elegant, blue-skinned fellow with an affinity for loose, old clothing, Commander Zeeun, and Medamatcha also gone through their turns, Medamatcha most of all.

It wasn't like Chayote was complaining about being perpetually battered and broken to an inch of her life for whoever knew how long now but she failed to see the point of that activity. The first thing those demon spawns did was rid her of all possessions. Both of the sashes she had by her side were placed on the nearby plastic table with the larger one being freed of the Dragon Balls with black stars on them.

Whoever that Lord Slug guy was, he had all seven Dragon Balls but he didn't use them. Chayote would have recalled him using something like the Dragon Balls, she'd have certainly felt the colossal Ultimate Eternal Dragon ripping this planetary cruiser a new hole and making it a deadweight floater in the empty vastness of space. Then again, maybe that was exactly why Slug's crew didn't use them, maybe they waited for some destination to use them? Which destination would that be?

For how long has she been tortured here? It felt like her whole life, maybe weeks or months, who knew, maybe mere minutes that those demon scumbags made feel like years. If it truly was years and the Earth was gone before even realizing that Chayote had screwed up her mission, there would have been no way for the Saiyan to hear or otherwise feel the results of her failure.

The sashes... Thoughts were getting blurry, it was beyond just tough to concentrate as random flashes of painful memories peeled through Chayote's brain from its center at random intervals, but... Those Lord Slug commanders have placed the sashes nearby, they were so excited about emptying the one with the Dragon Balls that they've lost any desire of doing anything else that day. Back then, Chayote recalled tuning in and out, she could only barely recall the faint, orange gleams from the crystal orbs and the ugly mugs that reflected off of them.

The sashes, why did Chayote's mind keep on returning to them? What was she thinking about them and when? Something about them felt interesting, the Saiyan could recall at one point having thought up of something inciting great glee but... What was it? Could it have just been the joy in the fact that Slug's crew was oblivious to the effects of the Ultimate Dragon Balls? Yeah... That had to be it...

Those sashes... Chayote couldn't shake off those thoughts to the point where her eyes began frantically scanning the dark for any traces of that which the Slug's crew took from her. Was it right or left? She couldn't say. For all she knew, she may have been hanging upside down and it was up to where she was now, then again, maybe she'd have long since died if those commanders hung her that way. If she was ever permitted death, that was. The whole point through Chayote felt like dying and knowing that the whole universe, including every single one of those assholes getting deleted, wasn't all that bad.

That sort of supreme, cosmic justice would've been a nice middle finger to Lord Slug's face but... He'd have likely not known it was because of Chayote and the Saiyan, likely due to her genes, very much wanted the bastard to know whom he shouldn't have screwed with.

Senzu! That was why she was so focused on the sashes, none of those alien scumbags knew what Senzu were so they just dumped the sash and focused on slobbering all over the Dragon Balls. Though it wasn't like Chayote could move a finger right now. She was too weak, every single one of her bones may as well have been broken with excruciating electric jolts being the only thing denying her the release of death, just as that green shrimp had promised her.

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