Murasaki: Hurricane Chronicles

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"Whoa! Look at this place, it's like outside but... Inside!" Goku marveled at the green garden with little creeks and bridges. Further in the distance Chayote could make out a little wooden house unlike any she's seen lately. The last time she'd seen something like that was before the tournament, while she was traveling the countryside.

"Wait a second... This doesn't make any sense at all!" Chayote got worked up over something she should have for all intents and purposes not minded whatsoever. "The tower didn't look nearly large enough from the outside to fit something like this inside..."

The lights went out in an instant, catching Chayote and Goku by surprise. With the artificial lighting seeping into their eyes, the total disappearance of lighting made adapting in the new environment a bit of a woozy. A loud yell echoed in the darkness, Chayote moved her glance to her backside, where she felt a light pinch and heard the insufferable rustling of the fake grass. The lights went up again, revealing a writhing in pain purple ninja on the floor, his eyes were wet with tears while his expressive face twisted to exquisite proportions in his current, pained state.

"Wh-What the hell are you made of?!" he shrieked while rolling around on the floor. Once the man realized that he was making a fool of himself, he rolled backward and stood back on his feet, revealing a rather short stature for a fully grown man. No matter how hard the master of this floor tried to look tough and brush off his fiasco, he still had glistening wet crystals of tears drying out at the corners of his eyes.

"Why did you turn the lights back on?" the lips of the purple man extended to hilarious lengths but it did not appear to be due to any supernatural ability. It just looked like the soldier guarding this floor had one of those kinds of faces. The man spoke to some black gadget in his hand, likely something like a communicator like the ones built into a scouter. It didn't look like the Earthlings managed to integrate multiple gadgets into a single device just yet.

"What are you talking about?! I thought you were supposed to be guarding your floor in total darkness, utilize the shadowy embrace of the oblivion to take out your enemies in the cover of darkness!" a growling voice came out from the other end of the gadget.

"Look, I was a bit late to return to my post, the plan was going great until you turned on the light!" the purple man kept on yelling at his communicator.

"Great!? You tripped and fell over the girl. You can't even take a damsel in distress hostage, you incompetent nincompoop, to think you're my most deadly assassin shows how desperate the White Ribbon Army truly is!" the man on the other end replied.

"Say, say... Are you gonna fight us or not?" Goku wondered. "The guy on the other floor looked pretty strong but he couldn't take any of my punches at all. I might have overdone it with a Kamehameha..."

"Showoff, you're only this strong because I helped you." Chayote sneered at her tiny companion.

"Really?" Goku wondered, looking at his hands. He must have noticed the massive increase in his own strength the moment that he recovered from the injuries sustained during the World Martial Arts Tournament. "Now that you mention it, I really do feel like on a whole different world from before..."

"Yeah, I've fought those Metallitrons while raiding the headquarters and trust me, you'd have had your hands full with one." Chayote shrugged.

"W-Wait! You destroyed the Red Ribbon Army's headquarters?!" the purple man freaked out, shifting about the muscles of his face and bulging out his eyes in shock. The rather serene garden began reeking of the sweat that the assassin put out.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? The red midget did that himself. I just beat the army." Chayote sighed. "Then again, I suppose I was going to do it anyway..."

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