Medamatcha And His Medas

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Jaco spun and flipped about, firing off stray beams of blaster bolts at the chests of every Frieza Army member or just an alien looking to get on the army's good graces. A muscular, cerulean-skinned thumb-headed strongman raised a wrench to whack the Galactic Patrolman just as he landed on his own two feet, ready to regain some balance before unleashing his barrage of justice again.

Chayote's own Ki blast carried the poor mechanic away, ripping him through the door leading right to the command center of the station. Jaco sighed easier and checked on the drive in his utility belt before beginning to scan the area for more mooseheads to blast at.

"Okay, I think we've dodged the subject long enough..." Tights pressed her arms to her thighs with a vexed expression. "We're not getting any closer to escaping from this stupid station!"

"You'd think that these bozos would be more grateful, we've saved their station from a virus that might have frozen it in space, stolen all its data and then transmitted it to every ship that contacted it, doing the same to them..." Jaco sighed while nervously turning to the corridor through which the enemy that even a full-blooded Saiyan feared might have burst through at any time.

"What did you say?!" Chayote turned to Jaco. "That's what the virus does, why didn't you say it any sooner!?"

"Well, yeah, it begins downloading every pichi-pichi picture off the space-net onto the system until the system overloads. I've seen hard drives that bloat to dozen times their size and that are pulsing with heat over the size of the raunchiness..." Jaco scratched his cheek with a goofy smile.

"Shit!" Chayote slammed the control panel and ground her teeth. "Goddamn it!" she cursed while her Ki came out rushing forth from her body in an intense aura. She didn't even care that she was wasting energy at this point.

"What's wrong?" Jaco shook his head, curious.

"I'll have to confront the enemy... You two idiots listen and listen good. Take that drive, sneak onto their ship and jam it into anyplace you can stuff a drive into." Chayote clenched her fist and tried to settle down the butterflies that sensing the approaching enemy caused her to experience.

"Wait, what?" Tights clapped her eyelashes a pair of times.

"We need my ship! It's got the radar that can track the Ultimate Dragon Balls and three Ultimate Dragon Balls on top of that. Under no circumstances can we lose my ship. The whole Earth will be doomed if that happens." Chayote turned for the door and stretched her limbs, cracking her knuckles and testing the flexibility of her neck a couple of times.

"You did want to get out of here, didn't you?" Jaco looked at Tights and grabbed her hand, dragging her off to the elevator leading to the service floor, which they could have then used to ascend to the entryway through one of the service shafts if the map displayed on the barely functional computer panel told the truth.

Tights looked at Chayote with a worried expression, the Saiyan felt the tiny earpiece that the human gave her before Jaco dragged her away, one that stayed hidden underneath her blond hair all this time. Then, just like that, the pair disappeared. An explosion resonated at the other end of the corridor, soon filling the hallway and the room that branched off to multiple other hallways leading to several key locations aboard the station with soldiers.

The Saiyan wasn't at all surprised to see that these were no Frieza Army soldiers. They wore black, skin-tight bodysuits with white boots and chest-plates, the shoulders were protected with a design similar to the more advanced models of Saiyan armor, the ones that didn't use the large shoulder-pads. They all wore white helmets covering all of their heads but their mouths with orange visors for eyes.

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