Room Of Spirit And Time Re-Opened

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"So what you're saying is that marriage isn't some kind of food?" Goku looked around the table full of martial artists stuffing their faces full with a face that showed off his mistrust of what he was hearing.

"For the last time, Kakarot, it's some sort of mating ritual that the Earthlings do." Chayote gave him a scolding look. The oaf had gone through a growth spurt during the last year that she hadn't seen him but he was still shorter than Yamcha and Tenshinhan.

"Actually, it's not about mating at all, it's sort of a... Subscription, if you will. It's hard to explain, which is why you should be more careful about the promises you make, Goku!" Krillin looked at his pal with a warning look. "You're lucky that this time it resulted in your scoring a hot babe as a wife but it can get you into a great deal of trouble some other time."

Goku just laughed out and stroke the back of his head, looking entirely unapologetic about the whole thing. This was so much like him, despite growing up on Earth he didn't let the Earth change him one bit, as it has changed Chayote, instead he was the one changing everyone around him to better deal with the kind of person he was.

"You mean... You didn't mean your promise then?" Chi-Chi gasped, she had barely moved her food, likely because that wasn't the main thing on her mind at the moment. Chayote could kind of respect someone who always thought about their mission first.

"Nah, I'll do the whole marrying thing. I might have gotten it wrong back then but I won't go back on a promise!" Goku gave the young woman a thumb up. Chayote smirked before finishing her soup with one giant slurp that made Chiaotzu, who was seated beside her look at her with bafflement.

"I can't believe you're not objecting at all to this..." Krillin turned to Chayote. "I thought... You know... With the two of you being the only Saiyans around..."

"Huh? No, it's actually quite common for Saiyans to get together with people they hardly know. That's the basis for a Saiyan family – the whim of a moment entrapping you for eternity in an infernal home, it makes going to war so much easier." Chayote smirked and gave her bald friend a thumb up, Krillin laughed and rubbed his lip with an index finger, embarrassed about something.

"Not what I was implying but..." Krillin shrugged before beginning to look for a decent change in topics. "Anyway, it's gonna be such a ball, marrying in the Kami Temple itself, there's no better place to get married in when you think about it!"

"Oh, no. We must get married back on Frypan Mountain or Mt. Paozu, that's where your grandpa lived, right?" Chi-Chi objected.

"Huh? But we have to stay on our guard for when Piccolo Jr. leaves the Room of Spirit and Time. Goku can't leave the Kami Temple. If Piccolo Jr. leaves, he won't be able to sense him from back down and a whole mess of bad things can go down!" Krillin tried pointing it out to Chi-Chi but it seemed like a fool's errand.

"He made a promise and he said he'd keep it. We must get married at one of our ancestral homes and I must wear my mother's wedding dress too! Our marriage has to be perfect!" Chayote had noticed a source of strength in Chi-Chi's tone that she hadn't felt before. Well, this lady seemed like quite the wheel blocker but at least she knew what she wanted.

"What, you mean you guys are just stuck here, waiting for that demon bastard to leave the room?" Chayote squinted one eye in disgust. "You should have gone into the room, scouted him out and destroyed him while he was still a baby."

"That's out of the question, Chayote, Piccolo Jr. must be exceptionally strong, plus, the space that the Room of Spirit and Time covers is vast, possibly even infinite, you'd have more luck finding an egg floating in space rather than in there." Mr. Popo who was, up to that point just staring at the feast, now joined in on the conversation. As always he was being cowardly about doing his job.

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