The Revenge Of Dr. Gero

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"Moved from Muscle Tower to vacate the floor for the Monster Buyon." Chayote read a sign on an abandoned warehouse. One of the multiple scrap rectangles put together in an afternoon only to store obsolete technology or things that required some privacy or special procedures or solitude to fix. With the tower seldom being raided and serving as a military base and an imprisonment facility, it made sense that someone would like a separate facility to store projects in.

The good news was that there was some gear that looked advanced enough to survive hi-speed space travel. The shells of the Artificial Humans in the works appeared sturdy, some seemed sturdier than even Chayote could dent which surprised the Saiyan. She had never witnessed technology posing a notable threat before, not like this. Not to someone of her power level.

The lights in the eyes of the Artificial Humans lit up, startling Chayote as they lunged at her all at once. The space to move around in was limited, then there was also the human factor, the revived Artificial Humans just straight out scared Chayote and in those moments one tended to forget the profound power difference. These automatons acted odd, they did not punch, kick or claw, they just wrapped their limbs around Chayote and locked them, forcing the reinforced alloy comprising their bodies to bend out of shape so that it stayed permanently locked.

Escaping this lock was not quite a matter of strength, of which Chayote had plenty, it was more of a matter of extreme contortionism she was incapable of. The group wrapping around her soon began resembling a body pile. Chayote grunted and struggled, she could dislocate and further bend the combined alloys out of shape but by doing so she only trapped herself further in their hold.

"Impressive, aren't they? Artificial Humans No. 5 through 11, with only one absence, although you've already met No. 8. Given how you're here, I'd reckon he failed to kill you, I told Commander White my Artificial Humans were not ready yet. It would be decades before they could kill the likes of you. I'm afraid whether it is the Red Ribbon or the White Ribbon, nobody here takes the word of a genius scientist for what it should amount to." A bald, grey man walked out from the shade, flipping his long lab coat to bypass a disorderly mess of metallic limbs that the charge of his steel brigade left behind.

"Your puppets can't kill me, if you want me out of this planet, that's exactly why I've come here. Give me those drafts and I'll be in space before you can finish reading the blueprint to one of those things." Chayote tried to reason with this Earthling. For the first time ever, one of these disgusting and devious bastards had something to threaten her with – she needed those robots. She couldn't go back to square one, not again. Something deep down in her demanded that she won this encounter and returned to Jingle Village with what she needed.

"I am afraid I cannot do that, girl. You have ruined my life, you see. You do not know this yet, you wouldn't care even if you did. All you leave behind you is destruction, fire, and bodies. You've parted me from my son, my boy and... You've destroyed the only solace I had left in my life after his death." The originator of these Artificial Humans got dangerously close to the mangled mess of limbs and metal that Chayote laid buried and held under. The scientist almost taunted the teen Saiyan to bust out when he knew she wouldn't.

"Look, I... I didn't destroy your stupid base. Your own Commander did that!" Chayote roared out, trying to make all of her Ki explode from inside her in a singular explosive wave. A feat that, she knew, would have devastated and torn all of those submission-specialist skeletons off of her. The Saiyan had wondered if she'd come to regret spitting at her previous desire to turn her body and mind into one and master Ki manipulation that sometimes worked and sometimes did not, what she did not know at the time of making that reckless decision to ignore that was how soon she would regret it.

Not even a fart left Chayote's body, despite her utmost efforts to make her Ki erupt from every pore in her body in an explosive bubble.

"Just so you know why you will die. My name is Dr. Gero. You did not kill my son, he had died some time ago, fighting the military of West City, over the territory of Ginger Town, where the Red Ribbon Base was initially to be located. The Red Ribbon failed, they had the mightier military but our forces were stretched too thin, we were fighting all over the world and, because of that, our ignoramus of a leader got pushed back into the depths behind the Sacred Land of Korin, somewhere he deemed he'd be safe from West City's persecution." Dr. Gero employed the novel strategy of boring Chayote to death. The Saiyan continued to wrangle, twist and test his improvised restraining method, the scientist saw that but he did not appear to be all too pressured by it, something that worried Chayote a tiny bit.

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