Homecoming On The Horizon

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The World Martial Arts Tournament took a short break so that some basic patching could have been done to the ring before the final match of the semi-finals could begin. The monks were busy tearing the ground dirt into the holes and applying the tiles where the ring got busted. It would not be a perfect or full repair but it should serve fine in containing the following match for as long as any ring could hold it.

Finally, after waiting around for this long, Chayote could feel things getting interesting. Not just interesting, scary enough to send pleasant tingles down her spine. Goku had turned into a monster just before parting for the three years training. After having his strength restored by the Divine Dragon of the Dragon Balls, Goku could have possibly matched if not outmatched Chayote already back then, he spent three whole years training with his grandpa who, supposedly, was a great martial artist on his own. He must have been to restrain a Saiyan child and condition him as he did with Goku.

Truth be told, Chayote wasn't sure she could beat Goku at all and that was what made her excited. Ever since stepping out in front of that Saibaman she has been protected by the power governing the Universe, sent to a planet of weaklings to play around until she has served her use. Placed inside a hermetic bubble where she couldn't be hurt, no matter how hard she bashed her head against the wall and yet... Here he was, someone who could not only have hurt her but beat her.

Defeat wasn't terrifying whatsoever, if she was beaten badly enough, maybe she'd skyrocket in power just like Goku did, then they could finally do some fine training with one another and drive each other to brinks of power where Lord Frieza would have no other choice but take them in. Chayote punched her fists against one another and stretched out some. She's trained hard and listened to everything Baba and Devil Man told her about martial arts and mysticism, the latter was more Upa's department, true, but she'd taken everything within the reach of her hand just because that was the only way for her to match Goku right now...

"Umm..." Bulma's voice distracted Chayote. "You're all alone here?"

"Me being with the other fighters makes things uncomfortable. They want to cheer Kakarot on but they can't, because I'm there too. I don't want to get in the way of that so I've decided to prepare for the fight alone." Chayote replied.

"Well, I'm glad you did because sneaking into that place would have been way too difficult. I had planned to tell you this after the tournament but Oolong told me he saw you leave outside the contestants' area so I thought I'd surprise you before your match..." Bulma kept on beating around the bush. She didn't need to be concrete, Chayote had a feeling that she knew what the inventor was about to say.

"You've finished my spaceship?" she muttered. While it was not a rhetorical question, it may as well have been.

"Yeah. It took a while and Roshi wasn't happy I took time building your ship before restoring him to his size but... It was actually way more fun that way." Bulma smiled. "It has basically everything in your blueprints. You can go visit your home whenever you want to now."

Chayote wondered if Bulma knew that Chayote wouldn't just be "visiting" her home. Her plans initially encompassed going back to Planet Vegeta for good, taking Goku with her and training on their way home too. Becoming strong enough for Lord Frieza to take them in. Maybe beating the shit out of Mr. Popo was there as well but it got lost in the shuffle along the way...

"What's wrong? You don't seem excited, isn't that what you kept bugging me about for all those years?" Bulma tapped her foot.

"Thanks." Chayote jumped up and bowed her head like she'd seen Earthlings do when they were grateful. "I'd like to check it out after the tournament if it's okay with you."

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