Fake Namek - Real Nicro

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"You still haven't told us your name, now that I think of it. Anyway... You kind of remind me of me, you know. You're a Saiyan from the Frieza Army that's ended up on Earth and instead of killing everyone chose to help the people out. Sister, I really feel that. I wanted to drop an Extinction Bomb on humanity when I first landed too. Too much trouble, couldn't be bothered with that..." Jaco kept on babbling on the communications.

Had Chayote the know-how of how he even patched himself up on her communicators, she'd kick him right out of it but he just kind of connected to her out of nowhere and now her precious silence was filled with his vocal buffoonery. At least the Earthling could keep her trap shut, something that was surprising, knowing who her sister was.

"My name is Chayote. Now shut up, you're getting in the way of my training." Chayote replied, she wondered for a blink if Jaco and Tights could hear her if she just spoke out loud in her ship but Jaco wouldn't let her stay curious for too long.

"Training? You've got training gear onboard? Oh... I mean... Of course, you'd have some weights and maybe even a yoga mat... You've been on Earth, right? No way you didn't pick up yoga, that's one of two things that humanity should never become extinct for. Food and yoga." Jaco went on.

"What are you talking about, Jaco? You only eat milk and cheese anyway..." Tights finally cut into the conversation though Chayote really wanted it to be so that she wouldn't have.

"That's because it's closest to what I eat back home. That being said, Earthlings have the best food at least in their galaxy. This milk and cheese stuff... Wow!" Jaco explained something that nobody really wanted him to explain.

"Do you have a yoga mat? This ship is so lame and I could use some light stretching. I'd even walk through space to get on your ship... If I know my father, he made the ship have a bunch of useless features." Tights sighed.

The girl may have been right. Dr. Brief was that sort of a genius inventor, capable of unmatched breakthroughs for his species though always bogged down by meaningless junk he chose to stuff his amazing inventions with. That was why Chayote preferred Bulma, the young lady was just as smart, naturally slower but more aware of what the necessities were, which made her actually a more efficient inventor at the end of the day.

"I do not have a yoga mat and I haven't really tested anything your father installed. Except for the fridge, I suppose. That has come in handy. I train using image training, it's an Earthling method of training where you visualize your training and unite the soul and the body, essentially living through training you're not actually going through, making you stronger in the process." Chayote explained just so she could avoid the follow-up tirade of questions about what she meant with Jaco interrupting her training and so on.

"Oh... That's a unique method. I like to train watching action movies, in fact, it's one of my three hobbies!" Jaco sounded quite proud of his dumbass training method.

"That must be why you're so puny..." Chayote grumped back at him, dealing with the fact that she wouldn't get any training done with Lord Slug and his commander goons still looking for the same thing that she was looking for. Something needed to be done about him and his priestess bitches that ratted out where the Dragon Balls were. His commanders were far too powerful to confront. No amount of skill could have compensated a difference in power that drastic.

"That's so mean!" Jaco yelled out. "I'll have you know that I am an excellent, Super-Elite Galactic Patrolman, in fact, bringing justice is the second one of my hobbies!"

"Ultimate Dragon Ball detected! Ultimate Dragon Ball detected!"

"What was that?" Jaco wondered.

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