Return Of The King

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"Goku!" Krillin yelled out with teary eyes and a glistening smile on his face that only a return to life and removal from the previous obscurity would have provided one with. "It was so horrible, that monster guy did something to me and it was like nobody could see or talk to me. I was just floating around and... Nobody saw me..."

"You were stuck in Limbo, Limbo is a realm in between the living world and the Otherworld. In a way, you were stuck in between the two realms." King Enma picked his nose with his pinky while resting his heavy head onto a free arm of his.

"Are so many people killed by those Evil Tribe guys that you even made a separate realm for that?" Chayote wondered.

"No. Sometimes when a person dies, they have such a powerful will to live that they do not move on to the Otherworld. In those cases, they might restrain themselves in Limbo as well." Upa pointed out. Fortuneteller Baba turned back at the young brat with a smirk on her face, feeling a bit proud of her little protégé's knowledge.

"That's right, it's what you mortal folks call "ghosts"..." King Enma stared at a booger he rolled around in between his fingers for a while before flicking it away. "Either way, I need to get back to work and you guys are holding off the line. Unless you've got some other business, go home."

"You won't need to tell us that twice," Fortuneteller Baba sighed and began floating to the eastern section of the Check-In Station, followed by Upa. Goku, Chayote and Krillin stayed not too long behind Upa as well.

"That demon guy killed you, Krillin. Chayote won something called a Free Reburn Ticket and I'm not quite sure how it works but it brought you back to life." Goku tried explaining things to Krillin the best he could with his limited grasp on things. His excited emotional state didn't help things, the last time that Chayote saw the kid this excited was when he was about to leave to meet his grandpa in the Otherworld. Judging by how oblivious he was to some things, Baba didn't quite give him a tour. It was more than likely that what she did with arranging the meeting between the two wasn't entirely legal but that was Baba for you...

"Alright, Upa, beam us back home then..." Baba turned back to Upa.

"Keep your eyes peeled, Krillin, that's pretty awesome!" Goku turned to his resurrected friend who just nodded and then turned back to Chayote.

"Th-Thank you!" he mumbled. "Thanks for bringing me back to life."

"Yeah... Well... It's called the Free Return Ticket, for the record." Chayote shrugged and looked away, choosing not to confront the snot-inviting sentiments of the situation at hand. "And I didn't feel like waiting around until you get brought back to life using the Dragon Balls anyway. I've got a schedule and I've already stayed here longer than I wanted to."

After the trio left back to Baba's Palace using Upa's conjured doorway, Fortuneteller Baba turned to Chayote with a wayward look. A look that implied that Baba knew exactly what it would be that Chayote would choose to do in this situation but she wanted to make sure, in addition, she would have much more preferred that Chayote did not do that thing.

"So, now that Krillin is back home, there isn't anything keeping you to Earth, is there? You're going to leave, aren't you?" Fortuneteller Baba raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Chayote.

"Huh?" Krillin turned around.

"That's right... Although... I can still sense some wicked Ki far off in the distance to the North, I haven't got the faintest doubt that's the ringleader of the Evil Tribe gang." Chayote declared. "If you guys are going to go kill him, I wouldn't mind tagging along."

"Ch-Chayote!" Upa yelled out. "Didn't you hear a thing that was being discussed in the Otherworld? You cannot kill Demon King Piccolo without killing Kami-sama as well!"

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