50 - "I'm Ready..."

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A/N - hello all the people reading this. I'm just thanking you on motivating me to write this fanfiction. Thanks for 5K reads!! I'm a huge Zac fan and every time you comment telling me how much you love it brightens up my day. In celebrating 50 chapters, this chapter is quite long and might involve some 15+ content. Enjoy xx


{Zac's P.O.V}
Cece? That is so adorable. So is Moe, I don't even mind babysitting her. As long as I can be here with Cleo, that's all that matters.

"Okay..what about Horrible Bosses?!" I stand up suddenly and move towards Cleo. "Yeah sounds good?" She smiles.

As much as I love Cleo's innocence, I really wish she was ready to have sex. That's not all I want of course, but I'm tired of waiting. I want to love her even more.

"Got it" Moe walks in with the water she got for me. "Thanks cutie" I say high-fiving her. "Hey Moe, what movie do you want, I will put it on in moms room?" Cleo's asks picking her up. "Alvin and the Chipmunks" she says in a little deep voice. "Again?" Cleo laughs taking her out into the kitchen. I put horrible bosses in the tv and head out to the kitchen and join them.

"Hey" I smile kissing Cleo, "hi" she says slapping my butt. "Hey save it for later" I whisper into her ear making her slap my arm. "Zac" she laughs scooping vanilla icecream in a bowl for Moe. "Alright, you cook the popcorn and I'll take Moe upstairs" Cleo smiles taking Moes hand. I take the popcorn bag and put it into the microwave for 2 minutes as the bag instructed and wait. I check the time, 4:20pm. Soon enough, BEEEEPP!! I take it out and poor the steaming buttery goodness into a bowl and start eating it, "aye save some for me pig" Cleo laughs tickling my waist, she knows that's my weak spot. I pick her up below her bum, put her over my shoulder and carry her aswell as the popcorn into the lounge room. I throw her lightly down and pick up the remote. The movie is on the menu select page, "before we start this, can we talk?" Cleo starts. I put the remote down on the coffee table. I wonder what I'm in for.

{Cleo's P.O.V}
I've thought a lot about this. I need to talk to Zac about it. "Zac.. I really love having you as my boyfriend, trust me..but, I'm not ready for sex okay? I've known you less than a week, and if you love me you'll wait" wow that felt great to get off my chest. "I know Cleo.. It's okay." He leans in and pecks me. "But I'm here whenever you feel like it" he says biting his lip a couple inches away. We sit back and start to watch the movie, this is perfect.

{Dylan's P.O.V}
Zac and Cleo are spending the night together. Ugh vomit. I hate watching him with her! I decide to go out to a party with Henly. "Hey. You ready?" She smiles at my front door. She does look beautiful, she always does. "Yeah, who's taking us?" I ask hugging her. "Okay.. Don't be mad" I roll my eyes. Of course Nash is taking us. I will be third wheeling the whole night. "It's okay.. He wants to apologize." I can see Nash walking up the driveway with his hands in his pockets. "I will wait in the car" she smiles lightly pecking Nash's cheek as he walks towards me.

"Look Dylan. I know we may never be friends. But your brother is my bestfriend, and your bestfriend is my girlfriend, okay? I'm really sorry about that day, it was a long time ago. Can we just forgive and forget? I'm sick of us avoiding eachother, especially now we might be hanging around with eachother more" I guess I have to forgive him. If I want to make Henly and Zac happy I guess it's worth it. "Okay bro, but if you hurt Henly. You have it coming" I shake his hand and we walk to his car.

I jump in the back and Henly rides shotgun next to Nash. "So where are we going?" I ask as we are backing out down the drive way. Nash turns the radio down. "You now Connor right? Connor Hastings". I think for a second. "You mean Matts brother?" Henley nods. "Yeah." That's good, Matt is one of my good friends. We always have a blast, I decide to text Cleo.

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