The Mourning After

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CHAPTER 30 - The Mourning After

Elizabeth's POV

"Is everything ready, Ella?" I asked, looking down at the several different monitors in front of us. We were at the control room right now, making sure everything was ready. Manuella just nodded, as she pointed some things up on the monitors.

"Yes, we have installed better cameras on the entire outside perimeter as well as inside. All the cameras are equipped with infrared and night vision. We also have a pair of guards standing at each blind spot." She started, pressing different buttons that made the cameras flick to infrared, and then to green for the night vision.

"Our army is equipped with M16A4s and 45 millimetres Glock37s, as well as swords and knives for hand-to-hand combat. We have 15 snipers on the roof and trees, using SR25s." She continued, showing me the different weapons on top of the table.

I nodded slightly, looking down at them. I had given Ella full authority in choosing the weapons, and I was glad that I did because her choices were impressive indeed. Of course, it was a big investment, but it was nothing if it meant our survival. Our safety was all that mattered now.

"Our first plan is to confuse them as much as we can about our races, which means, no transformation during battle unless necessary. We need to rely on basic training, martial arts and marksmanship." She added.

"Finally, we have a search party in the forest and we implanted movement detectors and land mines at the entrance. They'll be in for a surprise." She finished, professionally. I smiled at her, even though my chest still felt hollow.

"What of our armour?" I asked. She promptly nodded, before pulling up a big box onto the table and showing me the contents.

"We didn't have to improve much on what we already had, the only thing we had to invest in were the bulletproof vests." She answered. I nodded, looking down at the armour, with my jaw slightly clenched.

"Great, I expect her to attack soon, it's been a week since..." I trailed off, not really knowing how to finish that sentence.

Ella just nodded, in understanding. Even though I tried to hide it, they all noticed. They all noticed I was broken. But there was nothing I could do about it now. There was nothing anyone could do. I just sighed deeply and turned on my heels as I left the room, without another word.

I was planning to go to my room, but being there brought back too many memories, and I couldn't afford to think about her. Not now, not after what I did. So I just sighed and went back to my office, as I had been sleeping in there for the past week.

No one in the house actually noticed what was going on inside my old deranged self, no one except Sophia of course. I had put on a tough face. After all, I couldn't afford to look weak, not when we were about to go into battle. I hadn't cried since the day... I closed my eyes tightly, I couldn't even think about it. I just wanted to die. Life wasn't worth living anymore.

I walked slowly, closing the door to my office as I got in. I was exhausted, although I was fairly sure I wouldn't be able to sleep. I wasn't really being able to lately. I had maybe gotten a few hours of sleep this week, and it was certainly taking its toll.

I walked slowly towards the couch, and lay down, planning on getting some sleep, or at least trying to. But I wasn't getting my hopes up, because every time I closed my eyes, all I could see were flashes of that night.

"I saw it in her eyes when I said I loved her. I saw that she loved me too and that she would do anything for me. I saw the indescribable happiness that lit up her eyes, and that only broke me even more. I wanted to run away. I didn't want to be there, to be the one doing it. But I had no choice, she wouldn't want anyone else if she could choose.

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