Unleashed Memories

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CHAPTER 32 - Unleashed Memories

Eve's POV

I opened my eyes, feeling extremely scared, my heart pumping fast in my chest. I wasn't in Beth's bed anymore, not even near it. Right now, I was standing in a sizeable, although empty, room. Or actually, it didn't look as much as a room, but rather like a palace, it was divine, in lack of another word.

Everything in the room was different shades of white and gold, the walls, ceiling and floor as well as the furniture. The place felt ancient, even though it was amazingly conserved. I felt like I was standing at the beginning of it all if that even made any sense.

The air in here was indescribably pure, and the weather extremely pleasant. Everything about the place emanated peace, comfort, and a sense of familiarity, although I was fairly sure I had never been here before. But then again, I couldn't quite trust my feelings and thoughts at the moment, as I felt dazed and confused.

I walked around the palace, slowly and carefully, searching for someone, anyone. I had to go back, I needed to see Beth. I needed to tell her I was fine, and that I loved her too. I needed her to know that, I just wanted to be with her again. But as I looked around once more, I realized that the place was completely empty, silent. I shivered, unwillingly. Where the hell was I?

I then heard the golden front doors of the palace opening, and I promptly turned around. I just wanted to find someone, anyone that could take me home. Although as soon as I turned, I felt my breath getting caught in my throat. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Two winged men walked into the room, dragging in two women behind them. They both had their hands bound, they were wearing white robes, 'Greek styled,' but their feet were bare. One of them had long dark hair and light blue eyes while the other had bright red hair and deep green eyes. My eyes widened as I looked down at them, recognizing the pair instantly. Although my mind couldn't really comprehend what was happening, it was impossible, was it not?

I looked at them again, taking a tentative step forward, although no one seemed to notice me. I looked deep into their eyes, and I had no choice but to accept the truth, because looking into those deep green eyes, was like looking in the mirror. And looking into the other girl's light blue eyes, was like seeing Beth in front of me all over again.

There was no denying, these women were us, but at the same time, they weren't. The physical features were completely different, but somehow I knew it was us. It wasn't just our eyes, it was something else, something deep down inside me telling me that I had been here before, that I had been here with her.

I shouted, desperation settling within me, seeing us both bound and merciless, being dragged across the room. I tried to run towards them, or well, towards us, but to the increase of my already growing despair, my hands went right through the women as I reached them. It was like I was a ghost, like I wasn't really there. The Angels just kept walking, dragging the women unkindly behind them, and I had no other choice but to follow.

They passed through a beautiful silver and golden hallway, now other Angels, coming from different hallways, stood at the side, looking over at us with curiosity. I looked around, mesmerized by the different coloured wings that filled the place. Some looked over at us in disgust, others with pity, and some others, with sadness. It seemed like they were caught up in a mix of feelings.

I kept following them, realizing that my other self, as well as Beth's other self, hadn't said a word, although they did look at each other quite often, as in search of strength to go on. We then ended up in a beautiful room, the most beautiful place I had ever lay eyes on. There was something here, something so pure, so filled with love and kindness, that my heart nearly stopped.

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