Agonizing Night

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CHAPTER 60 - Agonizing Night

Eve's POV

"Can you hear me?" The voice reverberated in my head. What the fuck? What the hell was going on?

"Hey, no need to cuss, just be quiet, I'm on your side." The voice again echoed in my head.

"Who are you? And how the hell did you know what I was thinking?" I asked out loud, still puzzled.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain, for the moment all you need to know is that we can communicate through thoughts and that we're both trapped in here. I need your help to get out." The voice said.

"I don't know who the hell you are or what you are but for all I know you can be a hunter, or even my mind playing tricks on me. How can I know that I can trust you?" I said still finding that there was something off in that bizarre situation.

"My name is Carolina but you can call me Carol. I'm a Necromancer, and yes I'm also trapped in here." She said with a sigh.

"A Necromancer? You're a witch?" I asked confused.

"If you're thinking of some Harry Potter shit with wands and that kind of stuff then no, I'm not. I don't have magical powers or anything like that. I have the knowledge of the sorcery arts." She said.

"So you're human?" I asked.

"Yes." She answered and I frowned.

"Then why would the hunters keep you here? You're a human like them. They can't hunt you." I said still not sure if I could trust her.

"As I said before, it's hard to explain. Although I am human they do not consider me as such as I am immortal. And some of my spells are not exactly... Look, I have no time to explain. Can't you just accept my help so we can both get the hell out of this God-forsaken place?" She almost begged.

I breathed deeply pondering my options. To be honest I didn't believe in anything she said. For all I knew she was a liar.

"You do know I can still hear your thoughts right?" She said suddenly and I growled

How could she be human but still immortal? And if she's a witch how couldn't she get out alone? I mean she got inside my head for Christ's sakes. But still, my odds wouldn't be good if I tried to escape by myself. I didn't know if Beth was even close to finding me and I couldn't afford to wait any longer, my heat was just around the corner and I didn't want to be near Gabriel when it happened. Maybe I could accept her help, I couldn't get into more trouble than I already was, right?

"And what do you suggest we do?" I asked finally giving in.

"Okay, so the good news is that your little boyfriend went completely nuts, which means it's going to be easy to get into his head." She started to say, I growled.

"He is not my boyfriend." I hissed angrily. I could almost see her rolling her eyes.

"Not my point at all. So, continuing, the bad news is that he injected you with dead man's blood, and that is making you weaker." She finished. I frowned.

"Then that's why my senses are all fucked up?" I asked

"Well that and they also used some weird hunter technology on you, I don't know quite well" She answered before continuing.

"You're stronger than normal Vampires though, the blood of the Vampire Queen runs through your veins. That makes the effect of the dead man's blood last less." She finished. I frowned.

"And what do you want me to do?" I asked eager to get out of that place. She sighed in my mind.

"You're not going to like it..." she started to say. I groaned.

"You do not say." I said sarcastically.

"Look, just bear with me. The foolish hunter is obviously crazy about you. If you were to give in to him he would easily believe you..." I hissed loudly.

"I rather die a million times than to do anything with him again." I growled.

"I'm not saying for you to lay with him or anything, just make him believe that you gave in." She said and I thought about it for a while.

"And then what?" I asked.

"Once he's in your hands, you kill him." She simply said and my breath got caught in my throat.

Elizabeth's POV

I looked eagerly at the clock as I pressed send on my phone. I hoped Ella would get the message in time. I looked at the garage door in front of me. Only a few more minutes and the sun was bound to set. I was already inside my car, engine on and fully armed. My blood was boiling in rage as I looked at the seconds slowly passing on my watch.

Once again I listened to the phone call Mika had been able to retrieve. 'Eve! Please help us, they got Hannah and Kate! They are looking for me right now, please come home. Alone. They said they would kill us if you didn't.' Behind all the screams I could still hear a faint sign of his voice. A voice I would never forget.

"The heat of the battle made my blood race. Several bodies lay bleeding on the floor. The blood from dozens of hunters dripped down my sword. My sweat-stained face glistened against the fire that burned some of the corpses. I smirked looking at the scene.

"You!" I heard someone scream behind me accusingly. I turned slowly only to face a young man looking hatefully at me. I smirked towards him showing a glimpse of my fangs.

"Yes?" I asked innocently looking at the lad. His face was twisted in pure rage.

"You're the one that took her!" He screamed at me. I frowned.

" I remember you from the club! You couldn't keep your eyes off of her! You took her didn't you?" He screamed once again and finally, realization hit me. That was the young man that was with Eve the night I first saw her.

My heart raced as I looked back at him. The guilt started to take me as the memories I had of her slowly swirled in my head, the sorrow piercing me from the inside. I grabbed the hem of my sword strongly trying to get rid of those crashing emotions. I did not answer and once again he spoke.

"What did you do to her?" He screamed with dread. My heart fell.

"I killed her." I said with my pained and heavy heart. He shook his head and started to tremble.

"No! I'll kill you!" He screamed and charged towards me, wielding a Benelli M4.

I quickly jumped aside effectively dogging his direct shots but the multiple projectiles still got the best of me occasionally hitting my body. I hissed loudly and in one swift movement, I made a deep cut on his arm with my sword making him drop the weapon. I kicked him in the stomach making him fall on his knees, still holding onto his maimed arm.

"I guess none of us will ever see her again." I said coldly as I kicked him in the face.

"You're a monster! You killed her!" He spat furiously. I pushed him down with a sudden burst of rage through my body.

He fell down and I swiftly pushed his face on one of the burning bodies. He screamed in pain and agony as the fire consumed his flesh and skin.

And I turned away. His screams filled the battleground as I walked away. My heart though was bleeding because he was right. I was a monster and I had killed the love of my life."

How could I have been so blind? I should have seen it earlier. Of course it was him. That bastard, ever since the first time I saw him looking at my wife I knew he wanted her. The way he looked at her made me sick. She was mine! I hissed at the mere thought of him touching my wife.

I should have killed him when I had the chance. He was the one that planned all of this. He was the one that took her away from me. And now I was going to take her back and end his life once and for all. He would pay for taking her.

I looked down startled as my phone's alarm buzzed making me realise that it was finally time. I harshly put the car in first gear and pressed hard on the gas. The car roared and quickly sped up as I got out of the mansion. My mind was swirling with thoughts. All I cared now was getting my wife back.

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