Dark Clouds In A Perfect Sky

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{Manuella Lupo - Amy Lee}

CHAPTER 18 - Dark Clouds In A Perfect Sky

Elizabeth's POV

I woke up with my body slightly sore. I groaned lowly, with a frown, why was I feeling sore? Did I get into a fight? I tried to stir on the bed but something was restraining me. I opened my eyes, looking around. I wasn't in my room.

I looked down and saw delicate arms around my waist. Eve had her head on my chest, she was breathing peacefully, her hair all over the place. I couldn't help but smirk at the sight, remembering every single second of the previous day. She was an animal in bed, and me, well I wasn't far from being a beast. But surprisingly, she actually managed to keep up with me.

After we had sex a few times, though, I decided that I was going to end up keeping my promise. She only lasted five rounds before she fell limp on the bed. Well, but that might be due to the fact that I didn't give her any time to recover between climaxes. But still, I didn't regret any second of it. I wanted to see how long she would last.

I slowly disentangled myself from her arms, silently getting up. Making my best not to wake her. Not that I felt that she was going to wake up any time soon. I did get her quite tired last day. But I wanted to let her rest, she needed to recover if I were to keep playing with her.

I stood up, taking in her body, that mind you, was barely covered by the white sheets of her bed. Her body was covered in hickeys and bites. A few cuts and bruises here and there also adorned her white skin, but my favourite part by far was the red handprint on her right back cheek. I bit my lip looking down at her, I had done a great job marking her. Good, that way everyone would know she already had an owner.

I went back to my room, not even bothering in getting dressed and walked towards the bathroom, with the intention of taking a shower. I had a meeting with the circle tonight. I sighed. I'd much rather spend the night with my pet.

But sadly, work calls. 'Primo il dovere dopo il piacere' as Manuella used to say. God, why me of all people? I never asked to be Queen.

I never wanted to be in power, not even when my parents were still alive. And I was tired of constantly asking Mika to take my place, but the little brat wouldn't do it. 'Äiti and isä planned for you to be Queen, I'll always respect their wish and opinion.' He would say. Bullshit, he just didn't want the responsibility. So I just had to suck it up, I had run from it for too long already.

I took a step towards the sink and started to brush my teeth, it wasn't really a necessity for Vampires, as we didn't have the normal bacteria found in humans, that would cause the infamous 'morning breath,' and our teeth were basically unbreakable. But like most other Vampires, I did like the clean feeling it provided. I spat down on the sink, momentarily looking up, and glancing at myself in the mirror. I noticed a sizeable purple mark on the side of my neck. I arched an eyebrow.

Payback's a bitch, I thought, smirking to myself. I then looked down at my body and realized that my pet wasn't the only one that had been marked. I had bites, hickeys and scratches all over my body. Who would've thought she would be such an animal in bed? I thought, smiling despite myself. And a part of me was proud that I could bring forth this side of her, even though I wasn't really used to be the one being marked. But no matter, those would be gone in a few hours.

I then got into the shower, letting the cold water fall onto my skin. As a Vampire, the cold didn't affect me as much as it would a human, we usually had more problem with heat. So I never really heated the water, the cold had always been a part of me, and I enjoyed that feeling. Even though it made my teeth chatter and my body shiver. It seemed to soothe me, and it kind of reminded me of home.

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