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CHAPTER 42 - Betrayal

Elizabeth's POV

I held in a breath, as I watched Eve get up, narrowing her eyes down at me, with a murderous look on her face. I then felt my heart rate increase significantly, as I stood my ground. I knew that she would have a hard time controlling her anger, now that she was a newborn, and I would die before hurting her in any way, even if it meant protecting myself. Which only meant one thing, I was so bloody screwed.

"What the fuck, Elizabeth?!" She screamed, baring her fangs at me. Oh God, she started calling me Elizabeth again. That was not a good sign.

"Love, wait, let me explain." I said, gently, as I tried to calm her down. Although, sadly, my attempt blew up in my face.

"Don't you 'love' me, and don't you fucking tell me to calm down! You fucking kidnapped my best friend!" She growled, taking a step closer towards me.

By now her eyes were bright blue and glowing. It kind of turned me on, Eve had always been the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and now being a Vampire, she was just too much to take in. I bit my lip, looking at her in desire. Beth, focus, she's saying something!

"Eve, just listen." I said sternly, trying to keep my wants at bay, she only laughed.

"Really? Are you trying to scare me? Oh news flash, you don't scare me anymore!" She hissed, loudly.

I quickly looked around, everyone else had already left the room, giving my girlfriend and I some privacy. And just as the thought finished settling itself in my mind, I smiled. My girlfriend. And even though we were kind of having our first fight now, I couldn't be happier.

"Elizabeth! What the fuck are you smiling about?" She asked, lowly, menacingly. I gulped as I forced myself to focus on her again.

Okay, now she was really getting pissed. I should step in.
But she looks so hot when she is mad. My brain argued. God, once we were done with this whole Mary thing, I was going to take over and over again. I just couldn't get enough of her.

"Eve, calm down." I said, holding her arms against her body, so she wasn't able to choke me or try to do anything of the sort.

She hissed loudly, trying to escape my grip. She was stronger now too, being a Vampire, but I was so much more. And I always would be, because not only was I a pureblood, but I was also significantly older than her. Which put me on another level entirely.

"Eve, I didn't kidnap her. She's a prisoner of war. She is a hunter, which means that she wouldn't hesitate to kill me, or even you. The only reason she wasn't killed after the battle was because I knew she was your friend and you would hurt if she died." I said, carefully explaining the situation to her.

She then stopped fighting my hold, and just looked down for a second, as she tried to digest all the information I just gave her. She shook slightly in place, seemingly overwhelmed. I couldn't blame her though, she had gone through a lot lately.

"I want to see her." She said finally, in a small voice. I nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, but just keep in mind that she's still a hunter, and you're a Vampire now. Maybe her reaction won't be one that you'll like." I said, as I let go of her arms and held her hand.

"I'll take you to her." I added, pulling her close.

But she just shook her head, and got out of my grip, getting out of the room without another word. I sighed as I followed, the last thing I wanted was to make her sad. And I mean, really, a hunter for a best friend? Eve's life surely wasn't a fairytale.

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