A Rose For The Dead

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CHAPTER 29 - A Rose For The Dead

Eve's POV

I opened my eyes lazily, feeling warm and relaxed, but yet I didn't move. I felt extremely comfortable where I stood, resting my head in the crook of Beth's neck. Her arms were wrapped around my waist in a gentle, yet strong embrace, and her legs were intertwined with mine.

I lifted my head slightly, so I could look at her. She had her head on the pillow, although her face was facing down, towards me. Her beautiful red hair was falling all over her face, each perfect strand falling smoothly over her nose, forehead and lips, as she breathed peacefully. I smiled. Even with hair all over her, she was flawless.

I loved her. There was no denying it anymore. Every time I looked at her, my heart fluttered and my breath got caught in my throat. It was a warm, comfortable feeling as if she had been by my side throughout my whole life. As if she had always been a part of me.

She had changed lately too, it seemed that after the day she tortured me, she just turned into a completely different person. The way she looked at me, the way she smiled at me, the way she kissed me. It was different, and yet the same. As if this was the person she was meant to be all along.

She was being more gentle with me, that was for sure, and even though she was still very passionate, sometimes rough and still often told me I was hers, she stopped calling me 'pet,' and started calling me by my name instead. Just little things about her behaviour that were slowly changing.

She would talk to me, ask things about my life, about my friends and family. She would ask what my favourite kind of food was, and what kind of movies I liked to watch. It seemed normal as if we were just in another ordinary relationship. And when we were alone, that's exactly what I felt. Although I knew fairly well that that wasn't the case.

Even if I tried to deny it, I was still her property. I was still trapped in her covenant, I was still at her mercy. But the difference now was that I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to be with her, and if that was the price to pay. I would pay it gladly. If it was Stockholm Syndrome or some other mental syndrome, or if I was just plain going insane, I didn't know. I just knew that that was how I felt. 

I slowly lifted my hand up, brushing the strands of hair away from her nose and cheeks. Even though I've seen her countless times before, her beauty wouldn't cease to amaze me. I had come to love everything about her. Her sweet voice and her beautiful smile. Her breathtaking accent and royal look. Even that sarcastic and lustful smirk of hers that I used to hate.

And it seemed that she had always had that effect on me, even when I hated her, because even though I did, and I was sure of it too. There was still a small nagging part of me that accepted gladly the fact that I was hers. Because as much as I tried to deny it, I liked being hers. When I first got here, I could have never, in a lifetime, have imagined that I would fall for her. And yet, I did. I fell hard.

I snuggled more against her, leaning my head down once again. She was still sleeping soundly, as I pressed my face against her neck, inhaling deeply. I loved her smell. It was almost like... roses. Yeah, that was it. I had noticed it when we first met, although it was faint then. But lately, it had gotten stronger and I absolutely loved it. Her smell allured me, made me feel safe, and quite frankly, turned me on. I smiled, as once again I lifted my head up, caressing her cheek gently with my fingertips and kissing her lips lightly.

I just enjoyed the feeling of her lips on mine, sighing contently as I sucked lightly on her bottom lip. But soon enough I felt her hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer as she opened her mouth slightly, giving me the chance to slither my tongue in. We kissed for a short time, softly, and after a few minutes, our lips parted. She smiled brightly, her fangs showing in between her lips as she looked down at me.

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