Love You To Death

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CHAPTER 25 - Love You To Death

Eve's POV

I rested my head on Elizabeth's, shoulder, feeling the warmth of her body, and watching the unusual, perfect rosiness of her skin, that was only there because she had just orgasmed. And God, how I loved the fact that I was the one that had made her come.

She was breathing fast, with her eyes closed and her head leaned down on the pillow. Although there was still a small satisfied smile playing on her lips, that partially gave me a view of her fangs, that right now, were out by their full length. And as I looked at her, all I could do, was try to hold on and force myself not to cry.

I didn't understand it! It didn't make sense! Why did she do that to me? Why did she have this effect on me? Yesterday she tortured me like she never did before, she made me feel more pain than I had ever felt, both emotional as well as physical. And yet, here I was now, resting my head on her shoulder. And thinking that there was no other person as perfect as she was.

And I couldn't understand why my brain worked like that, because every single time I slept, I dreamt about her. And each dream was even more perfect than the last. All I wanted, was to make them come true. Which was just simply fucked up, because there was a part of me that knew that they were only dreams, right?

I was dreaming about her before she woke me up. And in my dream, we were lying in her bed, kissing. But it was different, that kiss meant so much more. More than just lust and passion, more than a master playing with her pet, more than her insane possession over me.

No, that kiss meant love. A love so indescribably pure, so perfect, that made my heart melt. I remembered when we pulled apart, and she looked at me like I was the most important thing in her life. She caressed my cheek, gently, with the brightest smile on her face.

"I love you, Eve." She said, looking down at me with devotion, with love, before she leaned down and kissed me again. All I could do was moan her name, and kiss her back, as my chest burst in happiness.

She was so tender, so loving. She was completely different than the Elizabeth I had actually met, and at the same time, she was exactly the same. Which confused me, because I had never felt so happy and complete in all my life, and all because of her.

I could imagine myself spending the rest of my life with her, hell, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. The way she looked at me like she would protect me and take care of me, no matter what happened. Like she would do anything just to make me smile.

She was perfect, well, at least in my dreams she was. And I wished I could stay there, in that beautiful dream, forever. I wished I could be forever in her arms, and she'd be forever in mine. I wished I could see that look of adoration and love in her eyes, for the rest of my life.

But apparently in my life, good things didn't last long, because soon enough I felt someone pulling me forcibly, waking me up. And the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, was Elizabeth, lying beneath me with an unusual twinkle in her eyes and a beautiful smile on her face.

I blinked in surprise, trying to figure out if I was still dreaming or not. And as her eyes softened, my heart swelled with happiness, because for a second, she looked at me like she had in my dream. Although my happiness didn't last much, as her face suddenly changed into that usual cold, obnoxious smirk of hers.

She stood quiet for a second, just looking up at me as if analyzing every inch of my face. And I just stood there, frozen, waiting for her to say something, with my heart in my hands.

She then ordered me to kiss her, with not even a flicker of emotion in her voice. And I felt my heart fall to my stomach. I tensed up for a second, looking down at her in disbelief. Because as much as I tried to deny it, I wanted her, I really did.

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