Twin Flames

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CHAPTER 54 - Twin Flames

Elizabeth's POV

I woke up with a groan, and the first thing I heard was the annoying sound of the alarm clock buzzing in my ear. I growled lowly, quickly grabbing it and throwing it on the other side of the room, making the device hit the wall with a crashing sound, pieces flowing to every direction possible. I just sighed contently, turning on my side. Why Eve still bothered to set it up was beyond me, it was not like it was actually going to wake us up.

I spread my arms on my bed, seeking my fianceé's warmth, but ended up founding nothing but empty space beside me. I growled once again and opened my eyes unwillingly.

I sat on the bed looking around the room, with my mind still half asleep. Eve was nowhere to be seen, and judging by how cold her side of the bed was, she had left a while ago. She must have woken up earlier and left me sleeping.

I smiled as I thought about tonight. I still couldn't believe I would be marrying the love of my life in a matter of a few hours. It all still felt surprisingly surreal, but I definitely wasn't complaining. I couldn't be happier.

Since the day I lost my parents and brother, I never thought I would ever be happy again. Yet she changed it all, she changed me, she turned my life upside down, she made cry, laugh and she warmed my cold and frozen black heart. And for that, I would be forever grateful. I wanted nothing more than to show her my love for her with each day that we spent together. And I would, with no doubt, do it.

I got up, lazily stretching my body, before I walked towards my bathroom. I then took a long and relaxing shower, brushed my teeth and put on a robe and underwear. There was no need to put on any more clothes since I was heading to the mansion's beauty salon to get ready for my wedding.

So I just shrugged my shoulders and exited my room, with the brightest smile on my face. It didn't take too long for me to reach my destination. Sophia was already there, sitting nonchalantly on one of the leather chairs.

She already had her dress on and her hair and makeup were already done. I watched as she absentmindedly twirled her hair on her fingers, as she often did when she was lost in thought, it wasn't anything new to me. So I just got nearer, silently sitting on the chair beside her. Although still, she didn't seem to notice me.

"Sophia!" I shouted, loudly, near her ear. Only to watch in amusement as she jumped on the chair, putting her hands over her chest.

"Damnit, Beth! You scared the shit out of me!" She seethed, looking up at me, still holding her chest. I only smirked back at her.

"It was funny though, you make it too easy." I said with a laugh, before adding.

"What were you thinking about, anyway?" I asked, leaning on my chair. She only rolled her eyes at me.

"Nothing that concerns you. So let's get started. I'll do your make up first, then I'll do your hair and lastly you'll put on the dress. Sounds good?" She asked, quickly changing the subject.

She had been acting awfully weird lately, and I'd been meaning to ask her about what the hell was going on, but I just shrugged it off and didn't push the subject any longer, after all, tonight was my night. I would worry about Sophia's problem after that.

She seemed happy enough with my decision too, as she swiftly got up and stood behind me. She tied my wet hair with a band and turned the chair so I was facing her. She then got her makeup kit and started to work on me. Sophia had an amazing talent with makeup and hair, and she had always been more than willing to help me out whenever I asked her to. Truth was, she just loved playing doll with me.

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