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The next few days dragged along slower than slugs, as the main events were usually your two meals a day and look at whatever starship would pass by the huge Star Destroyer. Kylo never came to revisit you, although, sometimes you swore you could hear him just outside of the door. His breathing, the clenching of his leather gloves. His presence held you by your shoulders whenever he was near.

You had opened the door a few times to request water or paper and a pen from one of the stormtroopers that stood guard outside of your quarters, but they rarely ever let you go with them to retrieve it. The few times that they have, they basically kept the blaster pressed to your back the entire time. It gave you an idea of what the Finalizer looked like, though, and you even passed by the ship exporting area. You swore you caught sight of escape pods, and an idea began to form in your mind. It would be so easy! The problem is just getting past the thousands of stormtroopers that would be chasing after you.

You now laid on the bed, unaware of what time it was. There wasn't a clock, so you mainly focused your perception of time around what you guessed was a morning announcement from Hux that echoed from outside throughout the halls. You stared over at the monochrome wall. As if to taunt you, Kylo had your lightsaber placed in a clear glass box to be displayed on the West wall. "Little prick." You muttered. You had tried to punch through the glass-like material multiple times, but only ended up with bruised knuckles and growing frustration.

It was what you had concluded your fifth night on the ship, and you were starting to feel the cabin fever finally set in. You wished so dearly to be back home again. You wished to be with your people once more, knowing that tonight would be communal night within the village. It was such a special night that took place when you all gathered around the fire in the middle of the village and shared stew. It was mainly held to catch up with one another and take a step back from the stresses of life to be reminded that you always had each other.

We always have each other. It echoed in the back of your mind. You sighed, turning over for what felt like the hundredth time to stare at the same two walls. It was becoming so tiring that you finally brought yourself to stand up from your bed, walking over towards the door. It simply opened by motion sensors, and for once, you weren't met with two stormtroopers looking behind them with their blasters pointed. You raised an eyebrow. This was new.

You took a few steps outside of your quarters, looking up and down the hall. Nothing. The hallway was almost suspiciously silent. This was so dangerous, but it was more tempting than anything. You stepped out the door, taking more steps out into the corridor.

You looked around, realizing you practically matched with the walls. After your first night in your quarters, a stormtrooper had provided you with a black long sleeve and fitted sweatpants in place of your actual clothes. Everything about The First Order was so bland.

You took a turn down the hall, seeing the doorway that lead to the exporting area. Freedom. 

You were just about to make your way down the stairs, but you froze at the sound of something wheeling itself around the corner. You snapped your head to the right, beginning a staring contest with the BB9 unit that just made itself known.  Your breath caught in your throat, and the deafening silence made the air become as thick as honey.

The silence shattered with panicked beeps and bops coming from the BB9, sending your legs flying into motion without a second thought.

You practically tumbled down the stairs, beginning to hear alarms sound. There was no one in the exporting area, meaning it was probably extremely late. You looked around to catch the thought of what you were actually doing, but you were running out of tine. You heard boots beginning to stomp down the stairs and the flow of a cape. You panicked, seeing the damned commander make a rushed descent down the stairs. His lightsaber already ignited. You were going to die. 

You zoomed towards one of the escape pods, but Kylo sent another striking wave of pain over the crown of your head. If you hadn't caught control of yourself, you would've screamed in agony. You still stumbled towards one of the pods, knowing if you could get inside and close the door there would be nothing Kylo could do but sit and watch you leave.

You managed to get inside, but a choking weight had suddenly wrapped around your neck. You began to gasp for air, crawling towards the cockpit of the pod. You hammered onto the close door button, but Kylo was already in front of the pod, hand open and arm outstretched. The door was struggling to close as Kylo used the force to keep it open. His eyes bore into your's, teeth clenched like a predator scratching in a prey's burrow.

You had a flashback to years ago. You and Atticus, standing out in the fields of your planet. He had sat up a rock formation. It was small, but that was the entire point.

He called your name so softly, so comfortingly. "Use your mind. Focus all of your energy on the rock. Picture yourself picking up the rock deep within the core of your thoughts. Concentrate. Manifest it, and it will become true." He would tell you, and you would make your poor attempt. You would only move the rock a few inches a piece every time, but he always swore you got farther and farther every day.

"Manifest it, and it will become true." You whispered, suddenly extending your hand towards the door. It was hard to concentrate when a man tenfold more trained in the force than you had his invisible hands death gripped around your neck. Still, you concentrated to the best of your ability, and to your surprise, after a couple of minutes the door began to slowly edge towards the closing latch.

"Let go." He spat your name like venom, and his tone alone distracted you. The door now flung open, and the grip on your neck suddenly disappeared. He climbed inside of the pod, disregarding your struggle to regain your air while he slung you over his shoulder. You felt the need to cry and scream all at the same time. Surely he would kill you now, or even go back on his deal and travel back to your planet, forcing you to view the cold murder of your people. He didn't say a word, making your regret even more agonizing.

You screamed, kicked, and even spat. If you were going to die, you wanted to go out screaming and kicking. 

It took no time with his long strides to carry you back to your quarters and throw you down on the bed with a loud thud. You could feel your heart trying to pry its way out of your chest. The fiery commander looked down at you, deep brown eyes ignited into something.. different. You could only look him dead in the eye for so long, his chest rising up and down rapidly from the force battle. "

"Pull a move like that again and I will not hesitate to feed you to the space trash." His rigid voice cut at you like knives, making you tremble below him.

"Have I made myself clear." It was almost in a whisper. You didn't want to answer, tears beginning to slip from your eyes. Why hadn't he already just slit your throat already? You were nothing more than a prisoner, and honestly. You wanted to die at this point to avoid the torture the supreme leader could so easily put you through.

"Answer me." His words felt deafening, almost causing you to jump.

"Yes--Yes you have made yourself clear." You stammered to get the words out in between tears and voice cracks.

Footsteps emerged to the two of you. Kylo turned his head to the side. It was two stormtroopers.

"I want the IDs of whoever was supposed to be in charge tonight. That is an order." He demanded, taking one last glance at you before storming out through the door. Just as angry as when he entered.

You were left alone once more. You felt as if you were going insane. Your sides hurt from restraining your shaking, and your head still spun from when Kylo had used the force on you. You let the tears fall freely. Homesickness and actual sickness was finally beginning to settle within you and cling to your heart. You would do anything to sit beside Zelda in her rocking chair one more time or crack silly jokes with the children of the village. Why out of all planets? You still didn't understand.

After hours of sobbing and hurling multiple times over the side of your bed, you decided to finally accept defeat, crawling under your covers to settle down for the night. You sniffled and sighed, resting your head on the single pillow while staring up at the glossy ceiling above you.

How were you to survive like this?

You didn't feel like crying anymore, so you tried to take your mind from the topic, turning on your side. You gave one last sniffle, closing your eyes.

Tomorrow is a new day.

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