Chapter 16

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"Dr. Kavita, if you don't have any valid reason to justify your reckless action then please leave."

Day before Shona didn't receive the necessary drugs in the emergency ward on time and faced hard time while treating the patients of the emergency cases. Sanskar found out the reason behind the issue is Kavita's absence in pharmacy department.
Kavita knew well that she had been caught in lion's den and has no way out, so it's better to confess and apologize.

She fell on her knees and folded her hands.

"I know Sanskar, I have done a grave mistake. Even though I have my reasons, still I will not give any excuse, I just want to apologize. Please forgive me, I am sorry." Kavita said beseechingly, looking like repenting.

Day before when she was transferred to the pharmacy department that was her last chance you rectify previous mistake, then how can she commit another mistake that too a huge one.

"This is not going to work again. Dr. Kavita seek apology when you mean it. In any case I will not tolerate anymore reckless behavior in this hospital which can put the patient’s life in danger. You are fired, get out." Sanskar said his final decision.

"But Sanskar......."

"Enough, I don't want to listen more. Just get out of my sight." Sanskar cut her off and said curtly.

Kavita got up from the floor with teary and way her out with lame walk.

Sanskar noticed a small pool of blood on the floor where Kavita was on her knees, red patches on her white pants and her lame walk.

He immediately got up and held Kavita from her arms.

"Hey Kavita, what is wrong with your legs." Sanskar asked with worry.

"Yesterday on my way to the pharmacy department, I fell from stairs and got injured." Kavita said between pain and sob.

"How could you be so careless Kavita?"

Sanskar made her sit on the couch, brought first aid box to change the band-aid.

"It's looking a deep wound, did you go for X-ray? Anything serious?" Sanskar asked solemnly while changing her band-aid.

"Yes, I have gone through all the tests and it's completely fine." Kavita said.

She looked at Sanskar with adoring gaze felt his deep love inside her heart who is taking care of her.

'He still cares for me, just like he used to do in the college.' Kavita thought and was very pleased for her injury.

"This is the reason you were late for your duty?"

Sanskar raised his head after done with her bandage and looked into Kavita's eyes. She bows her head and nodded.

"You silly girl, you could have informed either me or to your department, at least." Sanskar smacked her head playfully.

"I am sorry Sanskar, but I have gone through first aid then tests which made me forgot about it." Kavita again said beseechingly and truly sorry for the mistake.

"Kavita, your are committing series of mistakes lately. Mend your ways. This time I am forgiving you for the sake of our old friendship and taking it into accord that you were my junior in the medical college I am giving you last chance. Now take it very seriously because doctors are here to deal with their patient’s life." Sanskar said in soft yet strict tone and stood up from the couch.

Kavita was joyous in her heart, stood up after thanking Sanskar and walked out of his office.

"Listen, one more thing," Sanskar called Kavita from behind. She turned to Sanskar near the door.

"You are not perfect for the pharmacy department so go back to your previous duty at children's ward under Dr. Maya."

Sanskar changed her duty again to children's ward and busted her bubble of joy. Pharmacy department was very relaxing job in comparison of children's ward.

'Ahh, back to those irritating loud kids. Hmm, still my work is done. Dr. Shona thinks so highly of herself, but yesterday I made her got earful from Sanskar for performing emergency treatment without drugs.'
Kavita thought with smirk being proud for taking revenge on Shona. Later she injured her leg on purpose to get escape from Sanskar.
Knock, knock.

Shona knocked on the door of Sanskar's cabin and entered.

"Dr. SM, did you call for me?"

"Yes, Dr. Shona."

Those were casual words but Sanskar said in a sweet voice, smiling ear to ear.

Of course Shona was surprised, but she maintained her ever calm look in front of him.

"I have a good news for you?" Sanskar said further making his charming smile devilish.

'He and good news are two opposite poles in my life, whatever let's hear him out.' Shona thought ironically and got ready for worst.

"I would be pleased to hear you out." Shona's tone was way sweeter than Sanskar.

"Somebody prank on me in the morning, named me Hitler. The person was in disguise still caught by me. Isn't it exciting?" Sanskar again said with a cheeky smile.

"You are talented sir."
Here comes Shona in a sugar coated voice again. Both were playing with words.

"Thanks for the complement. Wouldn't you thrill to know, who the person is?" Sanskar asked while gazing her keenly as reading her face.

"I am all ears." Shona showed fake excitement.

Sanskar was astonished to see her beautiful round face is as bold as ever. No uneasiness or fear in her eyes of being caught. Her confident made him doubt in his confidence.

'Am I wrong? Is she innocent? Why she has no sign of tension on her face? No, It can't be true, it was her only who was hidden behind burkha and I have proof.' Sanskar pushed his doubts at the back of his mind.

"That was you Dr. Shona. You wore burkha, hide yourself and did everything."

Sanskar's smirk grew wider gazing Shona from top to bottom.

"Yes, I did that but you don't have any proof." Shona said calmly looking back in Sanskar's eyes.

Sanskar was flabbergasted by her bold confession. Although he wanted to see her nervous and pleading for forgiveness, he was impressed by her dare for the first time. He had never seen such an attitude before.

'She really has nerve to mess with me. Of course I will not let it go.'

"How can you be so sure? I have concrete proof Dr. Shona."

Sanskar scrolled the cursor on his laptop, opened few files and showed two parallel pictures to Shona.

"Isn't you in both the pictures."

Both were Shona's pictures from Sanskar's cabin's surveillance camera.

In picture 1 she was shaking hands to Sanskar after getting readmission in Goenka hospital as intern which was first cancelled by Dr. SM.

In picture 2 she was sticking 'Hitler' sticker on his name plate.

"Really?" Shona calmly played oblivious.

Sanskar shook his head with smirk. If she wants to play dumb, then he will also not going easy on her.

"Of course........"

Sanskar zoomed in both the pictures and point cursor at her hand showing her 'S' initial ring vividly, same in both the pictures.

"It’s you wearing the same ring, when we shook hands and also when you entered in my cabin to play a useless, dumb prank on me, isn't it same." Sanskar said and held her right hand and showed the same 'S' initial ring in the ring finger.

His voice turned bitter once again recalling the entire incident since morning on top of that Shona's attitude even after being caught.

Shona was still as calm as sea breeze. She took out her hand from hold of Sanskar, put of her ring and threw it in the dustbin.

"I am sorry, Dr. Sanskar, you must have mistaken, it's not me. I lost my ring two days ago. I guess somebody used it."

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