Chapter 108

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Shona clapped and said. "I knew it, since dad told me about grandpa's demise."

Naren looked at her in shock whereas Sahil and Kavita were confuse.

"When dad narrated the story of grandpa's demise, I got that it was your wrongdoings, but didn't have any evidence, thanks for the confession. Only for this I took so much pain and put on the entire show." Shona said with a smirk.

Naren and his children realised that they were trapped, even though Sahil and Kavita were cautious, Naren turned even brazen after getting exposed.

"Naren Goenka, you stooped so low to kill your father in covetousness and now your children are fighting for it. You are a despicable monster." Shona said with hatred. The more she is looking at trio the more she despised them.

"Yes, I am lowly, brazen inhumane with avarice. I killed that bloody old man for the hospital and will get rid of every obstacle on the way to my desire."

"I asked him several times being good that transfer the land under my name, but he not only turned dead ears to my plead but put it under Shashank's unborn child. Why discrimination between the two son, both are real child, doctors, educated and qualified, where I lack to get same respect and love as Shashank?"

Naren's grudges of many years exploded and he never realised or turned blind eye on purpose from his vile self and immoral misdeeds.

"Whatever, he got karmic punishment and I made sure his loving son pay for his deeds, now you will also pay for being his granddaughter. I abduct your husband and compel you to show up. Now I will carry out my master plan." Naren said and laughed evilly with Sahil and Kavita joined in.

Shona shook her head and looked at Sanskar and Arjun, trio's lips curled into smirk.

"Are you sure about your plan, were you the one who compel us to show up or is there any story behind?" Shona raised her eyebrows.

Naren, Sahil and Kavita's smile shrunk and they looked at each other in confusion.

"Let me narrate the story behind......" Sanskar chimmed in.

"Oh yes before that let me state a fact, that you didn't get us here, it's we, who compel you to brought us at your den, so don't be in delusion. Also it was Shona's plan to make you confess and you did exactly as we expected."

The trio evils looked at Shona in shock, confusion any not to mention furious as well. She is always a troublemaker for them.

"A few days back we got the news that your are going to release on parole and not to mention you are danger for me any my family. We all knew you will make a move for the hospital, that's why I came up with a plan to compel you to make your move as per our wish."

Shona then narrated the scene of the day she shared her plan to Samrat.

"Sanskar, Naren, Sahil and Kavita has committed so many crimes but due to lack of evidence they didn't get the punishment they deserve. Even I am sure Naren Goenka did something with grandpa. It wasn't a natural death."

Sanskar nodded with a sigh. "I share the same thoughts, but again we have no evidence."

"Right, that's why I want him to confess." Shona revealed her purpose.

"Do you think he will do?"

"The way I got to know Naren and his children, they are greedy and selfish, no concern for their blood relations. So it's easy to provoke them for the hospital."

Sanskar again nodded being impress. "Good idea, but you are not allowed to get involve in this hazardous situation."

"I can't let you go through this alone." Shona whined.

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