Chapter 1

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Only warning I'm going to give for this story. This will be angsty so prepare yourselves. This story will include violence, sexual content along with male pregnancy, so if that is something that you feel uncomfortable with then, I don't recommend this story for you. Pairings will include Taejin, Jikook, Jinkook. I will decide what direction I'll take with Namgihope as the story progresses. Other than that, thank you for giving this story a chance. I encourage comments and feedback. I love knowing your thoughts on my writing. Enjoy💜



I lower the window of the vehicle I am riding in, taking in the gentle breeze of the night sky. After an entire afternoon stuck with Father in the office, I am finally able to breathe properly. I had already talked with my parents about not being interested in taking over the family business, but they do not seem to care. They never do. My whole life I have always wanted to live it as humble and simple as possible. The lights and fast-moving pace of the city is too tiring for me. I have always preferred the peace and quiet of the outskirts of town. Maybe build a farm or build a home in the woods where no one can bother me. The silent rides home seem to be the only peace and quiet I ever seem to get these days.

My eyes stay close as I slightly tilt my head closer to the window and let the wind mess with my hair. If I close my eyes long enough my mind will eventually drift off and I will forget about my worries and responsibilities. It is exactly what I want; to be taken away from this place. From all the people that expect so much from me.

Unfortunately, my moment of relaxation is interrupted when I hear my window start closing. My eyes pop open, and my head snaps next to me to see my pain in the ass bodyguard closing my window through the control panel on his side of the car. I roll my eyes and sit back in my seat with a huff as I cross my arms.

"I apologize, Mr. Seokjin, I believe for your safety we should keep all windows in the vehicle closed," he replies with a serious expression.

I stick my tongue out at him and proceed to attempt to roll the window down again. He closes it once again and locks the control panel, keeping all windows in the car from moving. My jaw clenches at his actions and his ridiculous excuse for interrupting my 'me' time. "Anyone ever told you, how much of a pain in the ass you are?"

His face is completely unbothered as he turns to me. "You do, sir. All the time, actually." My anger continues to rise at his refusal to react to my insults.

"Maybe if you smiled more, I wouldn't have to complain about you being a pain in the ass," I grunt.

"With all due respect, Sir, I wasn't hired to be nice to you or to be your friend. My job is to keep you safe, which I have for the past three years. As long as you're not dead, I don't care that I'm," he pauses as if trying to figure out his next words, " as you would call it 'a pain in the ass'."

I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind but am interrupted by a stern voice coming from in front of us. "Seokjin behave," Father says in a bored manner. "Taehyung has been a good employee to us since I hired him to be your bodyguard. Only bodyguard that can put up with your stubborn attitude. Don't piss him off or push him to the point of him quitting on us."

I scowl at his remarks as patience continues to shorten. "As if he would ever. He's too busy trying to kiss your ass for a raise to think about quitting. Anyways, I already told you I don't need him."

"You needed him three years ago when you were getting death threats and someone attempted to kidnap you, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon since the police was never able to catch those criminals. And he will continue to be attached to your side until those low-life bastards are behind bars. Now stop your whining and start complying with him, and stop being a pain in his ass! I'm more than sure he's just about had it with you," the vein in my father's neck continues to pop out as he keeps getting after me, "If it weren't because you were my son I'm positive he would've beat the living crap out of you for the way you treat him, and frankly I wouldn't even be mad, now shut up and stay quiet for the rest of the car ride!" He shouts. The venom in his eyes and the authority in his voice would have had any of his employees peeing themselves, but because I have grown up being used to it, I just pout my lips slightly as I sit back in my seat and wait for me to reach home.

Once I see the familiar structure of where I live, I open the door before our driver has the opportunity to stop the car, but I am pulled back into the car before my foot even touches the ground. "You know the drill, Sir Seokjin, I must step out first and ensure your safety going into the building," Taehyung explains, serious expression still stuck on his face.

I scrunch my nose at him, completely losing the last of my patience. "Do you ever make any other expression that doesn't look like you have something roughly up your ass ?!"

"Kim Seokjin!" Father yells out. I should have stopped there, but I had enough of everyone today, especially the asshole staring back at me.

"Or maybe that is exactly what you need, a dick up your ass. Maybe then you will finally stop rotting away in my family business, and smile for once." I feel his grip on my arm tightening as I know I just hit a nerve. I know I make his job hard, but I never asked for his services and I would like nothing more than for him to stop working for me and my family.

"Seokjin." Father calls at me again before I step down from the car. "Don't bother coming into the office tomorrow. You are suspended and you also have no right to use any family vehicles as well. You are to stay home and check your attitude. You are also going to apologize to Taehyung for the way you talked to him just now," he finally pushes open the door once again letting me out of the car. "I don't ever want a repeat of this car ride, understood?"

I give him a face of disgust as I climb down the car and slam the door then proceed to storm inside my apartment building, making my way up to my penthouse.


Don't you all just love sassy Jin with a slight attitude problem?😏

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