Chapter 57: The Atlas/ Finale

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As we drifted through space, we all stood there in the ship in shock, though not for long as we still had Atlas to tend to.

Kai called out my name and we all rushed over to him, holding Altas down while sweating profusely obviously trying his hardest to heal him and keep him from dying.
Though, Atlas didnt have it.

"K-kai..." he stuttered, trailing off. "Just, just stop. I- It's no use.." he said slowly breathing less and less.
Kai looked at him with tears in his eyes, crying before nodding.

I walked over and crouched down beside him, holding his head up in my hands. His completely green eyes flickered a little, going dim, and his once raised, slowly hair, was pressed down sticking to his head.

"Hey man. How are you doing bro?" I asked him, choking out the words a little.

He laughed at me before sighing. "A little r-rough, but I think I ca-can manage." He said, both of us knowing he wouldn't, but still trying to brighten up the whole mood.
"H-hey Rhent??" He asked.

"Yea man?" I replied through tears, streaming down my face.

"P-play some Devil, Devil May C-Cry for me?" He asked me, his breathing slow now.

I nodded, wiping tears. "Yea man. You got it, I promise."

He nodded slowly before sighing. "Good. And hey Rhent? Please, R-Rememer me...." he said slowly taking one last breath, before the light in his eyes died and he slowly slipped off and away.

I cried, holding him for a while. More than a few minutes, with Memphis holding me. Finally, after a while, we wrapped his body up in some cloth and blankets and opened the hatch, shooting him out into space, letting him pass slowly and drift away.

I turned back to the rest of the group, all of us sad and weary and smiled a small smile. "You guys, we did it. Um. We may have lost a few people, great fighters and even better friends, but we did it. And we didnt come this far for nothing. They all would've wanted us to keep going." I said, slowly and confidently.

"We will always and forever remember them, those who lost their lives and passed for us, especially to get this far." I said, pushing my hair out of my eyes.
"But know this. We are still a family, and we are closer than ever now. We cant and wont let go of one another. No matter what, we stick together and stay together." I said.

They all nodded and I let the group break, all of us headed to our separate rooms and settling into the empty cabins.

Memphis and I shared a room as usual, with Kai and Rayven doing the same, and Zeke getting his very own room to himself.
I walked into the room and took off my clothes looking into the mirror at the end of the bed and sighed.
I watched as my veins glowed green and the inky liquid covered my lower half and made its was around half of my body.

It slowly crept up my back to my neck and right arm, taking over and wrapping all around me, hardening and then softening again, before Memphis walked up behind me and wrapped one of her arms around the bare part of my chest and the other one around my waist.

As she did this, the green substance soaked back into my skin, leaving me bare except my boxers with her behind me. She kissed my neck and I sighed leaning into her touch before I took her clothes off as well, and we took a hot shower together.

Afterwards we layed down for about an hour, not worrying about anything  else and just enjoying each others company.
It was nice and I missed this. I longed for this, and was honestly glad that I could have it back.

Soon later, i threw on jeans, a grey t-shirt, and Atlas's black leather jacket that he gave me, before walking to the new central control room.

Everyone else was already in there and we had decided something. We were all going to get a special tattoo, aboard the ship, to remember the rest of them. To remember everybody, we each got an N with a torch covered in vines on the right, and a snowflake with a star on the left. We all got it on our shoulders, and Kai did the tattoos using special tools on the ship, seeing as how he has so many already.

Afterwards we all got something to eat and talked a little bit about how everything had happened and how we actually got off of Nexanveer and survived. We all drank and cheered to our life, while remembering the sacrifices made of the others.

Throughout all of this long journey and battle, this hellish trip, I had learned some things. Multiple things.
One, you cant live a good life without going through some of the bad.
Two, it's always best to have the company of others, even whenever you're a loner.
Three, you should always respect and remember others and take nothing for granted.
And finally Four, all of the strongest and most beautiful things, have been through the roughest and ugliest moments and types of pain.

I sat there, holding Memphis, my now fiancee after all of this, and looked over at Kai and Zeke who were arm wrestling, while Rayven sighed and watched them, smiling and laughing.
I took a breath and exhaled it, smiling to myself, happy, though not content, and more than anything, proud of all of us.

As we got done, Rayven got behind the wheel of the ship since she was the techno genius and Zeke got in next to her, having the second most experience.

"So." She turned to me and grinned, pulling her new specialized purple goggles down. "Where to now Captain?" She asked me smiling, her new purple, medium pixie cut hair glistening.

"Well," I said, smiling. "Weve got some revenge to seek, a planet to land on, and people to prove wrong." I said slapping Kais back. "We're going to Mars 2.0"

"And what should we call the ship?" She asked.

"The Atlas." I said, walking off, smiling and remembering.

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