Chapter 8: Tech Savvy

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We made our way up and through the hatch and originally i had no issues. That was at least, until I noticed Cyrus staring and showing too much interest in both Rayven and Memphis.
He walked up and smiled a cocky yet apparently attractive grin to them. He smiled, "Hello. My name is Cyrus," he said. "I just woke up and I'm new here, but um. You are both some very beautiful women if I must say so."

Memphis grinned and smiled at him flirty and said, "Hey Mister. Names Memphis, and this here is Rayven."
I looked at her and made sure she saw me and then walked towards the hatch that led to the kitchen. As I got down I waited for her and the minute she got down I grabbed her by her hips and pushed her up against the fridge shoving my mouth against hers. She groaned and i pulled away and looked at her, straight in the eyes.

"I just want you to know and remember what we have going on here," I said. "I don't want you flirting or anything anywhere close to that around him." She smiled and me and pulled me closer and said, "Yes sir. Glad to see all that man can out and it's all mine." She gave me one last kiss and then I turned away and climbed back up the hatch.

As we got back up into the central control room I started to look for Rayven. I needed to know more about her, what was she doing. Especially in those labs, and why those people attacked her. I found her and Kai both over there next to Cyrus who was talking his head off, trying desperately to impress Rayven who was clearly not interested.

Kai sighed and I smiled. Clearly I wasn't the only one who didn't like him. I was glad Kai didn't like him either, so I chose this and decided to save Rayven from her painful conversation with Cyrus.

"Rayven," I said. "Can i see you really quick? Just for a sec?" She let out a sigh of relief, took a deep breath and nodded. "Sure." She said. She walked over to me and was smiling really big when she got to me.

"Thank you so much." She said. "I thought I wasn't gonna be able to get away from him, I mean, I'm not even interested in Cyrus as like, a friend. He's weird and give me this bad vibe."
I nodded, knowing what she was talking about, and definitely agreeing.
"Yea. Listen," I said. "I know I'm not in charge here or anything, but I just really need to know. What exactly were you doing in those labs, and why were those people chasing you?"

She looked at me and gestured for me to follow her. I already knew where we were going so i agreed, and I assumed she had good reason for this.
We walked, and made our way to the elevator and she looked at me.
"Which floor?" She asked. "Ummm. The Labs? The floor where we found you and Kai saved you."

She blushed a little at this and smiled. I looked at her and grinned and she quickly punched and button and we jerked down. We got to the labs and the elevator opened letting us both out. As we began to walk, I broke the uncomfortable silence with what was probably a really awkward conversation.

"So," I said. "When I mentioned Kai, you kinda blushed a little...what was umm, that, all about?" She looked up at me really fast and just as quickly she looked away. "Ummmm...." She said. "Hey look, you wanna know something? Kinda like a secret? I mean, I probably shouldn't be telling you this but uh, I think he likes you."

She smiled at me and brushed a few strands of her short cut hair out of her eyes. "Really?" I smiled a little. She was so happy, and they looked so cute together. Clearly they were meant to be together, where as me and Memphis were just having super hot make out sessions. "Yea." I said. "I really think he likes you." She smiled back at me.

"Well," she started. "I guess I...kinda like him too. But don't tell him I said anything! Or anyone!" She said really quickly. "Whoa." I said holding my hands up in surrender and smiling  at her. "Hey you can trust me. It's not going anywhere."

She gave me a look that said she trusted me, but would also kill me in a second if she found out I was lying.
We continued forward towards the lab and I sighed. "So..." I said. "Why exactly are we here?" She looked at me from inside the lab and turned on the lights telling me to come in.
"I'm what you would call a little savvy. I can uh, do things other can't. And its different and special and usually has to do with technology. Here." She said.

She grabbed a few pieces of scrap metal and threw them together and there was a faint green glow in he veins and it seemed to flow into the metal and wires and stuff and when she turned around it was a tiny technological dragon. "Wow." I said as I watched it jump off the table and walk around the room.

"So those people that were after you?"
I asked. She looked up at me with a look of slight confusion on her face. "I'm not sure," she said. "It seems, appears, whatever, that they were some kind of already established group, or government here. And they don't want us here." She said with a grave look on her face. "But we weren't supposed to be here," she continued. "We crashlanded, and now whether we like it or not, we're forced to live here. Until we find a way off. Either way... We have to get off of here, out there, and explore."

I nodded. This was dangerous, but we had to do it. Otherwise we'd die or just kill each other anyways on board here. Stuck on a planet, with an evil corrupt government wanting to kill us, and who knows what else out there waiting. Can't wait to get out.

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