Chapter 13: Flame In the Dark

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As I crawled through the cave I made my way to a small sort of ledge and peered over the side. It just kinda dropped down to another ledge a few feet below, which I decided to also drop down on. Rayven and Cyrus followed and I made a sharp right in the cave, followed by a left. I could see some sort of light at the very end of the cave farther back.

Then I heard a groan from behind me and turned around to look. Cyrus was doubled over and glowing an unsettling whitish color that was almost too bright. Then, before I knew what had happened, Cyrus had me pinned by the throat against the wall
Snarling at me.

He looked at me and cocked his head as if trying to decide what he wanted to do with me. "You fool." He hissed in a somewhat different voice. "Do you not realize what is happening here? You are an idiot and you are NOT a leader. Yet you try your hardest to be a leader among these people. Petty," he spat in my face.

I saw Rayven behind him with wide eyes, not in fear but more like confusion. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I tried to think about what to do. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest and my throat kept feeling the pressure increase. Before I could think about anything else i kneed him as hard as I could in the groin and felt his grip loosen. I grabbed his hand and twisted it around taking out one of his legs in the process and shoved his face in the water. He struggled under my grasp and then I felt his skin getting hotter.

I let go and run away from him grabbing Rayven as well. As I turned around I saw him standing up burning bright near the entrance of the cave staring at us both. "This isn't done." He hissed at me.

As his skin began to give off heat and his hair turned into fire I pulled Rayven behind the cave wall where the ledge was and held her against me. We heard an explosion and then silence and i peeked my head out to see what had happened.

He had made his way out and taken out the entrance and i let out a deep breath. Rayven looked at me and and took my hand. "Hey," she said. "It's gonna be alright." I nodded and looked at her. We made our way back up and eventually out of the cave back into the sunlight and I hard Memphis's voice over the watch.

"Hey, Rhent, are you there? We're back at the ship." I paused looking at Rayven for confirmation if I should tell her what happened and she nodded. "Hey, yea im here. Umm. So Cyrus tried to kill me. In a cave. Rayven was there, we were all fine at first and then outta nowhere he snapped and pinned me against the wall by my throat and was threatening me and stuff."

"Oh my God, are you okay?" She said her voice very clearly worried. "Yea, hey I'm fine. Rayven and I will be at the ship soon." There was a pause followed by an "Okay" from her.

Within about an hour Rayven and i made our way back through the trail we took and back to the giant ship that i never thought I would be relieved to see. She smiled and let out a large breath laughing, and with our arms slung over each other's shoulders we stumbled in to the elevator making our way up. The doors slid open revealing the control room filled with Memphis, Zeke and Kai, who all looked at us with concerned faces.

Rayven ran up to Kai falling into his arms and he held her close and tight in her arms clearly worried about her. I sighed and smiled walking to the hatch and making my way down to the room to get myself cleaned up. I made my way into my room and walked up to the mirror. Wow. I looked like hell.

I shook my head and took off my shirt revealing my toned body. I didn't exactly have a six pack, but I had some visible muscle. Though the more I looked at my body i saw all these bruises and realized I was gonna be sore tommorow. Damn.

I had dirt on my face and in my hair and i dipped my head down into the sink cleaning my face and hair both at once. I lifted my head up and smiled when I saw Memphis in the mirror staring at me. My medium silver hair was soaking wet in my eyes and I pushed it to the side.

"You know, I was really worried about you." She said. I nodded and smiled. "Yea, I know." She walked towards me and smiled as I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me. She put both hands on my bare chest and grinned as they slipped to my neck. "If I lost you...I don't know what I'd do." She said. "I know we've only known each other for like a month now, but still. I feel so close to you. And this isn't something ive felt before. Not to mention if it wasn't for you, I'd have to get with someone else and I don't like people that much." She said laughing.

I laughed as I looked at her purple eyes. "I know. Trust me, you're like a flame in the dark for me, especially out here." I said. "Look, what do you say we make this an official thing? Us. It's not like we're going anywhere." She smiled and nodded. "I'd like that." "Good." I said. I pulled her closer and leaned in and kissed her inhaling her scent. I ran my hands through her hair and she did the same to me and we kept kissing as i lifted her up onto the sink. I took her shirt off and shut and locked the door as I carried her to the bed. It was about time we finally solved this.

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