Chapter 12: Don't Fear The Reaper

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As I began to run away I made sure  that Rayven was in front. I couldn't let her get hurt. I wouldn't. As we ran my feet slamming into the ground I felt my lungs burning as if my chest was going to explode. I tripped over a log and fell turning around to face the giant beast coming after me and crawled back to the nearest tree.

I saw it pounding it's way to me and heard Rayven scream. I turned around and ran up to her to see what she was screaming about and saw that she had reached the edge. We were all on a cliff and the only way out was sideways or down. It was a pool of pinkish purple water down below but I wasn't gonna risk that yet.

I jerked her to the side and began to run before I saw Cyrus standing where I just was and yelled at him to come on. The smaller monster pounded after him first, heading directly towards him and before I could stop it from killing him i turned away. I heard a loud rip as if something was tearing and what sounded like flames and i turned back around.

My jaw dropped when I saw what had happened. Cyrus had lifted the beast up without touching it and was also levitating but his skin was a bright white and he had fire coming from his eyes, radiating all the space around him. His hair was now longer and was basically just licks of flames. The larger beast bust out of the jungle to the edge of the cliff and Cyrus lifted his hands up causing the smaller beast to float even higher and then he flung it at the larger one and landed on the ground causing an explosive blast of fire in their direction.

He dropped to the ground his body limp and I rushed over to him. "Okay. Time to go." I said in a rush as I heaved him over my shoulder and took off running away. I barreled through the woods with Rayven by my side and Cyrus on my shoulder. We ran until we reached another part of the cliff, only this one had a waterfall and we noticed the pinkish purple water was coming from inside the cliff we were on, so there had to be a river further back.

I looked at Rayven and dropped an unconscious Cyrus at my feet. She brushed her short cut blue hair out of her face and I pushed my silver hair out of my eyes and we both plopped down hearing the waterfall a few feet beneath us.

"So.." I said through my heavy uneven breaths. "That's what Cyrus can do. That explains why he was so hot earlier when I touched him." I paused and looked at Rayven who looked back at me and we both bust out laughing. She smiled a little and looked up at the fiery red and grey sky and looked at me.

"So, what about you?" She asked. "What do you do?" I sighed as I looked at her with a broken smile. "I don't know.." I said. "I've yet to figure it out and I'm not sure if I can do anything. I can't even remember my past or who I was. Nothing." She gave me a confused look. "So then, how do you know you're Rhent? Like your name, Rhent Thomas?"

I laughed at her and told her what had happened. "Long story short, I found it on my coffin/bed or whatever." I said at the end. She shook her head in confusion.

"Then how do you do all this. How are you handling all of this stuff?" I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly didn't know. "No clue," I said. "But I do have this really sweet gauntlet." She smiled at this. "Yea you do!" She said.

As she said this i heard a groan from Cyrus who had just woken up and I sat him up. "Hey there buddy," I said. "You had a big day." He glared at me and gave me the finger and I clicked my tounge at him. "We gotta go. There's a waterfall beneath us which means that there's a river back thataway." I said pointing to the opposite side of the cliff. We all picked up our bags and headed the opposite way towards the center until after about ten minutes into the lush and vibrant wilderness we heard the trickling of a stream.

Sure enough soon, we found a creek.
It was about seventeen feet down into the pinkish water that spiriled backwards into the woods. I climbed down first, followed by Rayven then Cyrus. The water was at least six feet deep, though there were limbs and trees that had fallen across. Down at the end of the creek there was a cave of some sort, and it was large. Big enough to fit someone of six foot if they were crawling.

I looked at Rayven and Cyrus and shrugged my shoulders. "Shall we?" I asked. Rayven threw out her hand in a dramatic gesture followed by a "Lead the way." I laughed and made my way to the cave staying along the side of the creek not knowing what lies within.

As I made my way in I decided to stop at the entrance. It was dark and I turned on a flashlight that I had found in the armory and shined it through the darkness. The cave went back and then turned right and slowly but surely you could tell it went down.

I bent down and stuck a gloved hand in the water to make sure it wasn't acid or anything and luckily it wasn't. Just an odd color. Maybe it was some  alien bacteria? I didn't know.
"Okay guys," I said. "Be careful. It slopes down and I'm not sure what's waiting for us beneath." Quickly my mind flashed to Memphis and the other team and I remembered to check and see if they were okay.

I clicked on the communicator and called out her name. "Memphis? Memphis? Are you there?" There was nothing. No sound except static and and silence. I began to feel my heart pounding between my ribcage and my breathing got heavier then I heard her voice. "Yea?" She called out. "Rhent...are you okay?" "Yea." I called out in response.

"I just think we might be found something." I said. "Me too." she replied. "Look meet us back at the ship soon okay? We'll talk then."
"Okay," she said. I'll see you then. Be safe." "You too Memphis." I said as I shut it off. I looked back at Rayven and Cyrus and nodded as I crawled deeper into to cave and they followed behind. Hopefully I wasn't going to meet my maker, but no matter what I couldn't be scared.

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