Chapter 2: Our Guest

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" Stop!" One of them screamed. There were three of them. Two boys and a girl. It was very clear that the girl was in charge and the most mature, as the other two, the boys, were wrestling when they bust in. She was average height, about 5'5 with deep dark red hair that was dyed black at the ends.
One boy was hefty and tall, clocking in at about 6'5. He was really tan with black hair that was slightly raised up. Which made me wonder where he found time to do that here, because it was obvious in his free time he was hitting the gym. He was ripped. The final one was a lanky average height guy, about 6'0 tall. He had blonde hair and tattoos covering one arm. The other one was pretty much clean.

I then realized how strange and pretty unsettling it looked to see me, a stranger, standing above a half eaten sandwich holding a pistol in one hand and my backpack in the other. I slowly looked up at them, staring at each of them until my gaze landed on the girl in the middle. She looked about 17. She noticed me staring at her and I got the feeling she was taking me in as well.

"So," she said. "Who are you?" She slowly raised a pistol at me standing six feet away. "Umm. Rhent Thomas. I'm 18 and i literally JUST woke up. Do you know where we are?" She eyed me carefully before nodding at my arms raised in the air looking at my left one, on which rested my magnificent, shining, gauntlet. "What's that?" She asked, gesturing towards my arm. I sighed and cursed at myself in my head for leaving it on. This girl was gonna kill me.

"It's umm. Like an armband kinda. Like a gauntlet, for you know, protective purposes." "Where did you find it? After all you aren't exactly our guest." She asked. I hesitated for a second wondering if I should tell them about the Armory. I dropped my arms and took a deep breath. Why not? "Follow me." I said, raising one arm. The girl loosened her grip on the gun as the bigger guy raised his. She signaled him to lower his weapon and he listened to her.

I climbed back down the hatch and waited for all three of them in the kitchen. She was the first down and I thought this was a good time to ask some questions myself. "So before we go any further, what's your name?" "What you trying to take me on a date already?" She asked smiling with a smirk and a wink of her eye. I shook my head in defeat not wanting to go there and she grinned. "My name's Memphis the big ones Zeke, And finally the pale one is Kai."

At this Kai raised his head, his eye length blonde hair flopping around. "Hey! I am not pale...okay. Yea I am."
"Alright y'all. Follow me." I walked through the kitchen to the hallway with the large singular door at the end. I turned the handle and rammed my shoulder into it, throwing the door open with a loud thud. As I walked in I was followed by Memphis with Zeke behind and Kai lastly.

Their jaws dropped as they saw the weapons and armor and they took in the room. Zeke headed towards the guns and Memphis stuck close by me studying the armor. "Hey Kai, what's wrong?" I asked. "Oh nothing," he said. "I just don't find all of this," he gestured towards the room as a whole, "to be my cup of tea." "Oh okay. That's cool."

Memphis was looking at a piece of what looked like really lightweight metal armor. "Carbon nano fiber," she said as I stood behind her. "Perfect for protection against...heavy damage." She said as she looked at me. Hot damn. She was going to kill me. "So um, uh, Kai! What are you interested in?" I said clearing my throat to breathe again. He looked at me and pushed some of his blonde hair out of his eyes, which I now noticed were grey. "Oh. Well, ummm. I guess I'm into like healing and medical stuff, but don't get me wrong I can fight."

"Yea he can." Said Zeke in a booming voice. "Although he's one of our more stealthy fighters. For the most part though, if you need some healing or info, that's your guy." Kai smiled and I could tell he was proud. "Cool," i said. "Well, I'm gonna go check out to see if theres some labs or something, you wanna come with me? It doesn't seem like there's anyone else awake on board anyways." He grinned like a kid in a candy store. "Yea!" He said. "Cool, I'm ready when you are."

He started to walk out and I hear a clang near the armor and saw that Memphis had dropped Something. Before I walked out she looked and me and bent over to pick up a tiny device of some sort and smiled when she saw me looking. She was definitely doing this on purpose.

I walked out and followed Kai back up the ladder and into the control room I guess. As if on cue he said "This is the control room, we keep almost all of our stuff in here and it tracks the ships health and all that." I paused for a second and looked at the giant planet. "So...where are we? I mean where did we crashland? Because obviously we weren't supposed to be up yet." "Well. According to my calculations... We crashlanded on NFKW06 also known as Nexanveer. The ever worse news?" He paused and looked at me as he sighed. "It's a moon just outside the far side of Jupiter."

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