Chapter 26: So About That Date?

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So after everybody was comfortable and started talking to/meeting Atlas we all agreed he could stay. Not like he was much of a threat anyways.
As I stood up I looked at Kai with a smile on my face and grinned even bigger when he did too.

"So," I said. "About that Date?" I asked nonchalantly. Both Memphis and Rayven snapped their heads up at us and then laughed realizing we were joking. I was referring to our mission to go out and explore the more mountainous parts of the Wasteland.

Kai smiled and stood up grabbing my arm and looping his through mine and I swear I heard Memphis's blood pressure rising. Hot damn I love her jealousy. Rayven pushed him away and looked at us both before sighing.

"Okay, these are your specially designed weapons. For each of you." She said handing us gadgets.
Mine was a little circle that fit on top of my gauntlet and in the palm of my hand if I so chose. It was a silver disc, but had a deep emerald green center to it and when I pressed the button in the center three blades shot out. It reminded me of another device she gave me, but this one was different. I could shoot it from the top of my gauntlet and when I did so, it split into three different blades. Which would then explode when I pressed the center button again.

Nice. Kai himself had another gadget, that was also very nice and quite possibly deadly in our hands. His was like a modified crossbow. The sides would be closed and a blade would come out of the end, like a bayonet.
If the bayonet was also attached to a long metal wire that was razor sharp when shot. Aside from that, she had given him an entire ARSENAL of arrows. Thankfully I had refills too, but he had explosive arrows, flames, ice, electric. You name it.

"Thank you Rayven, I promise I'll keep him safe and bring him home in one piece." I said. She laughed and I heard Memphis behind her.

"Kai you better bring him back safe or I'll have your head on a stick Lord of The Flies style." She said. Rayven looked at him and nodded, both of their sass coming off in WAVES. Kai and I laughed and promised to stay safe before we headed out again. backpacks, safety pad, and of course our helmets and new gadgets.

As we headed out we got about to where Becketts little outpost was before I climbed up the mountain slack jawed at the sight before me.
Kai noticed my reaction and I pulled him up to see the sight as well and we both stood there astounded for a second.

Before us lay cliffs and mountains and  just in the far was a small little town bustling with a bit of movement. But that wasn't what left us amazed.
It was the sprawling almost dead like cyber city just beyond the little scrap town. It was huge and easily reached past the black and red sky with twinkling glass and metal and unknown tech. It was massive and stretched out farther than we could see, and probably took up at least a quarter of this moon.

It was about a half days walk from the small town, which was about a days walk from us. And we were a few hours from the ship. We decided to look around at what else was around us, noticing the cliffs dropped off to a more chalky grey and black cracked land near the city, and just to our left it became more grassy and dropped off into a pink and blue waterfall.
To our left were just more cliffs and mountains, with probably a stream at the bottom, with caves. And of course behind us was the forest and ship, ahead of us, the cliffs and a few mountains, the town, and then, our escape.

I looked at Kai and grinned through my helmet and sighed. "We made it." I said, clapping an arm on his back. He laughed and fell into my arms and I leaned on him laughing as well. We had made it. As we sat down for about an hour we talked about what we were going to do to make it off. Obviously we'd build a ship, and get off of here, but then what? We agreed to finish this mission. To get back to Mars and make sure it was habitable, that we'd survive.

We stood up and began to walk back before not long we heard the all too familiar stomping and roaring of the monster. The GatorBear, as we'd called it. We bolted through the cracked dessert, hearing the stomping growing closer, jumping over shrubs and cracks in the Earth before stopping and gasping for air. We got caught between a swarm of the evil birds from earlier and I shot my gauntlets spinning blade at them and as it nailed three, shooting blood everywhere, it exploded blowing up at least half of the swarm. But it didn't stop or end there.

Two. Two Gatorbears came out and stormed out of the forest and landed right in front of us, with the massive swarm behind us on the edge of the desert. I ran to one of the monsters and jumped up using my shapeshifting, landing on its head. In the process I flung out my gauntlet blade and shoved it through the base of the skull of the beast, causing it to instantly die. It flopped a little before I drove it into the other one, which had four exploding arrows in the face.

I jumped off and joined Kai behind the rock as he detonated the arrows and we both saw chunks just flying by our head into the swarm. As they landed I looked at Kai. "Listen. You need to go. I will make it out alright but you need to tell them what we saw. They know we survived and we marked it on our map, show them." I said holding his shoulders. He shook his head and tried to speak, but I shut him off. "No. Kai. Listen, I will make it. But not both of us. I'll distract them, and i promise I'll be okay. But GO."

He looked at me and finally nodded in defeat before hugging me and giving me the crossbow. "Use it." He said. "I've got a little blade to make me through and get away, you've got the worst of it. Plus, I'm a Necromancer." He said, as if it was nothing.

With that, he nodded, shoved the crossbow into my hand, stood up and bolted into the woods in a blur. I turned and faced the swarm before hefting the crossbow up, loading my gauntlet and plunging into the dark storm of claws.

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